travel, Japan
145.✓Japan– Eat Japanese curry.
By Dane Garner and Edited by Rachel
Why is this on my list.

145.✓Japan– Eat Japanese curry.

It may sound odd that this is on my bucket list. You may be thinking the Japanese people don’t cook Indian but actually this one of the most popular dishes that Japanese people eat Japanese curry even more so than ramen. So it’s on my bucket list because of it such an iconic Japanese staple food.  Like how hen-tie is to the Japanese manga cafe industry. 

The story.

Sitting on another train…..

This times it’s packed, hundreds of people in each car but that’s the life in Tokyo. The rat race is strong in this country.

  The little Canadian with his eyes wide open this true Japanese experience enjoying what is the true mixing of a classic. The richest of men and woman sitting next to the old and poor.


And people from all around the world you

My friend and I are off on an adventure first stop Akihabara

After a couple of minutes we hear a little “DING” and in the beautiful Japanese voice say Akihabara my friend and I hop off quickly pushing past people staring at there phones. They look like broken scarecrows with there neck down looking at there. Phone reading the news about Donald Trump and Kim making out or what ever it is that week I truly do not remember.

The moment we walk out of the subway we get hit with a blast of fresh air. It is refreshing I imagine that I look like I am in a shampoo ad. With my hair flowing

“ Maybe he is born with it …. Maybe it is Japan.”

We walked through the endless labyrinth of tunnels that they call the Tokyo subway. We pop-up randomly in the middle of A beautiful road with the overhanging neon lights reflecting the mornings Sun. It looks like a comic.  After walking for a bit it hits us that we are in Japan.

We laugh at each other at the absurdity of seeing  stores packed to the brim with the newest of technology siting next to a BDMS sex story that would make a Jehovah witness faint. All I can think is god I love this place it is so cool to be in this city right here right now.


Eventually we pass an open door and the most amazing smell wafts out and grabs my attention just like the woman in red walking past neo on the matrix movie. I look up at a old wether beaten sigh that says 1000 hour Japanese curry and it hits me that is on my bucket list!!!!   

I say out of the blue that I like to eat here. I already knew that Japanese curry was on my bucket list.

My friend reluctantly agrees that we can go here for lunch so I bound into the curry house. God the smell if it was possible to bottle the smell of that building I would. It smells amazing smells like the warmth of Christmas, aromatic spices and delicious meats. We sit down and really nice Japanese gentleman comes up and gives us a menu.

I smile excitedly As I open up the menu it’s a simple menu. I think 10 items, I like that they know what they’re doing. There is no chicken fingers of gluten free burgers here. They are a curry house and that is it.


Going through the menu I see that there is a curry taster menu kind of thing you get 2 curry and a pork cutlet I go for that thinking that I am hungry. I place my order and wait passionately. Imagining what this meal will last and feel like. Deep down I know that this will be a meal that I remember forever.

( I do to this day remember the man bring me the plate of curry.)

Eventually, after a couple of minutes, I can see the waiter bring my plate. my nose prick up I can smell it from here beautiful mixture Of Meet, vegetables and a delicious savoury gravy. This beautiful Japanese man put the plate down and I almost have an orgasm just looking at it.

I pick up the spoon. Cut off a small piece of the cutlet dip it in the mild curry and slowly bring it to my mouth, as I start to slowly chew I can feel  the crunching of the Pork fillet mixes with a warm smooth gravy texture of the curry it’s amazing such Complicated flavours just like reading Shakespeare’s work. it takes awhile to fully understand how it all work so well together.

  I take another bite and then another and eventually it turns into a blur just like most beautiful meals and after 30-40 minutes I relax with an empty plate and a full belly and I realise that Japanese curry is dope.


How to cross it off


  1. Find shop 
  2. Eat everything.
  3. Get fat.
  4. Work it off. 
  5. Become stronger.
  6. Become the strongest.
  7. Take over the world. 
  8. Buy more curry. 
Photo Essay.
Passed posts.
Hello what is on your bucket list?
My name is Dane, I’ve been travelling the world for roughly 7 years now, learning to cook delicious food and crossing things off my bucket list. But my all-time favorite thing to do is to volunteer and help people. Follow me on my journey around the world crossing off my bucket list and Helping People along the way.😊❤😜 
If you want to see another awesome blog my fiancé does a blog called Nomads notebooks she’s an awesome and better writer than I will ever be. She’s also a really cool person. I would love for you to give her like a subscribe and read her writings thank you so much for supporting someone I love 
I love you all.