My life goals/intentions

My thoughts and what I am trying to learn

Because of the coronavirus everything is up in the air but that does not mean that I’m going to stop trying to learn And better myself I will never stop doing that so I have a pretty big list of things I’m trying to do but the biggest one that I want to try and set up and work on shooting videos and learning new skills and crossing some stuff off my list


The reason for me to write down my goals and intentions is very simple. it’s accountability, I want to be able to look at this and have a definite yes or no answer of if i did my goals. We live in a life where you can get lost in all the noise from Twitter, Facebook ,Instagram news and I don’t wanna be like that. so I’m keeping track of my goals because I have a lot of  them lol. I suggest you all take advantage and do the same if you get a chance and always remember you have the power to change your own life.

For this Months

It’s always good to plan your year has goals change them throughout the year but transit to your brothers most important calls and this is where I will put the biggest goals I have for the year.

  1.  budget 
  2. Push ups 5 days a week 
  3.  cross off bucket list 
  4. take flight to Canada 
  5. set up life in Canada 
For This Year

It’s always good to plan your year has goals change them throughout the year but transit to your brothers most important calls and this is where I will put the biggest goals I have for the year.

  1. Learn 4 small skills
  2. Cross off 75 things from my bucket list
  3. Start big skill
  4. Learn one medium-skilled (Learn how to learn)
  5. Have a regular time I wake up and go to bed six days a week
  6. Take 5,000 pics 
  7. Get money back form super
  8. Do tax
  9. Put all photos on google 
  10. Go through all the Alison classes about photography
  11. Finish all my CV
  12. Finish 20 classes in Allison.(15 done)
  13. Finish last book outlines
  14. Start breaking down book outlines first 2
  15. Change pass for everything
  16. Go to France 
  17. Work out all the thing I need in NZ
  18. Look for a job in NZ
  19. Watch all my watch later list and understand them.
  20. Find my moms penpal 
  21. Revamp six-month question list into categories
  22. Look into the job I want in the future
  23. Look into the schooling I would need to do to get the job I want
For This life

This one are the huge goals the goals that supersedes my bucket list and everything else he’s at the baseline of what I look at when I make my goals day in and day out

  1. Travel 80 % of the world.
  2. Cross off 80 % of my bucket list.
  3. invest enough money to not worry.
  4. Learn all my skill.
  5. Have my own land and tiny home.
  6. Be in a happy relationship 
  7. own my own business 
  1. Go to the new job and settle
  2. Take photos at the farm 
  3. Budget 
  4. Pass 2 class
  5. Work out X7 
  6. Make morning routine 
  7. Start new skill 
  8. Review how to learn 
  9. Go to farm  
  10. Start Regular time I get up 
  11. Start 1 brake down of skills 
  12. Find a job 
  13. Find a place where I can post my videos and pics 
  14. Make Facebook page
  15. Post all missing posts 
  16. Figure out the Best dimensions to have your photos clearly pasted on your website
  17. Add a page for skill learning
  18. Add a page for YouTube channel
  19. Add a page for My ongoing life goals list.
  20. Update and revamp website CV
  21. Make job I want to break down 
  22. Make a folder for a template  for my website and social media 
  23. make temp for skill posts 
  1.  budget 
  2. work out X7 
  3. review how to learn 
  4. start rage time I get up 
  5. post all missing posts 
  6. Update and revamp website CV
  7. Have a regular time I wake up and go to bed six days a week
  8. Take 5,000 pics 
  9. Make job list of things I want to do as a job and what I need to do to get the jobs 
  10. Look into the carer I want in the future
  11. Look into the schooling I would need to do to get the job I want
  12. Do SEO for the site (keyword) 
  13.  Work on one punch man challenge 
  14.  Make post schedule for YouTube channel 
  15. If staying Canada work on getting pro to serve and pro-weed courses 
  16. Look to make a basic outline of YouTube videos 
  17. Work on loving myself instead of depending on Rachel’s left for my happiness
  18.  Mail Rachel the souvenir from Jasper
  19. work on calling the insurance companies and see if they will still insure me even though Alberta and Canada says you should have travel
  20. post 4 videos  
Passed posts.
Hello what is on your bucket list?
My name is Dane, I’ve been travelling the world for roughly 7 years now, learning to cook delicious food and crossing things off my bucket list. But my all-time favorite thing to do is to volunteer and help people. Follow me on my journey around the world crossing off my bucket list and Helping People along the way.😊❤😜 
If you want to see another awesome blog my fiancé does a blog called Nomads notebooks she’s an awesome and better writer than I will ever be. She’s also a really cool person. I would love for you to give her like a subscribe and read her writings thank you so much for supporting someone I love 
I love you all.