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Make your own bucket list
Hello what is on your bucket list?
Because of the coronavirus everything is up in the air but that does not mean that I’m going to stop trying to learn And better myself I will never stop doing that so I have a pretty big list of things I’m trying to do but the biggest one that I want to try and set up and work on shooting videos and learning new skills and crossing some stuff off my list
The reason for me to write down my goals and intentions is very simple. it’s accountability, I want to be able to look at this and have a definite yes or no answer of if i did my goals. We live in a life where you can get lost in all the noise from Twitter, Facebook ,Instagram news and I don’t wanna be like that. so I’m keeping track of my goals because I have a lot of them lol. I suggest you all take advantage and do the same if you get a chance and always remember you have the power to change your own life.
It’s always good to plan your year has goals change them throughout the year but transit to your brothers most important calls and this is where I will put the biggest goals I have for the year.
It’s always good to plan your year has goals change them throughout the year but transit to your brothers most important calls and this is where I will put the biggest goals I have for the year.
This one are the huge goals the goals that supersedes my bucket list and everything else he’s at the baseline of what I look at when I make my goals day in and day out