Amount Of Things On This list.
Crossed Off.
The list.
  1. Build a Habitat for Humanity Home.
  2. Save a life.
  3. Serve Christmas dinner at a homeless shelter.
  4. Volunteer at a Blind Camp.
  5. Volunteer at a Children’s Hospital.
  6. Sit on a jury.
  7. Make a difference.
  8. Lead a Group in Crisis.
  9. Be Part of a Disaster Relief Team.
  10. Help plant a forest.
  11. Become someone I am proud of.
  12. ☆Speak at the un.
  13. ☆Be a volunteer baby cuddler.  
  14. ☆Donate bone marrow.
  15. ☆Write a self help book that helps.
  16. Go on a Humanitarian Aid Trip.
  17. Volunteer For a Full Day.
  18. Volunteer in a Developing Country.
  19. Participate in a Peace March.
  20. ☆volunteer at a hospital for kids. 
  21. Volunteer With Big Brother Program.
  22. ☆Buy a stranger Groceries.
  23. Write down 5 things that you’re grateful for every day, for a year.
  24. Find beauty in the small things.
  25. Be someone’s emergency contact.
  26. Write a letter to the younger me and what I wish he knew.
  27. Do not have an alcoholic drink for 2 months.
  28. Wear a Blindfold For a Day.
  29. ☆Be Part of a Peaceful Protest.
  30. Witness a historical event first hand.
  31. Put my secret in a balloon and let it float away.
  32. Get 3000 things on my bucket list.
  33. ☆:Identify 100 things about me.
  34. :Make a soundtrack of my life.
  35. :Meet someone born the same day as me.
  36. Completely stop watching TV.
  37. :Pick out the song I want to play at my funeral.
  38. Have a month of silence.
  39. Start a memory jar.
  40. :Learn to take a compliment.
  41. Turn a Passion Into a Way to Make Money.
  42. Learn to say what I think.
  43. Reduce my Possessions Down to as little as I can.
  44. Go one  Full Year Without Drinking Alcohol.
  45. Send a present to a soldier for Christmas.
  46. Go an Entire Month Without Spending Any Money.
  47. Fall deeply in Love With a Body.
  48. ☆Sponsor a child’s education.
  49. Be a warm showers host.
  50. ☆Donate Over $5,000 to Orphanages.
  51. Pass out candy on trick or treat.
  52. Do Something People Say I Can’t-Do.
  53. Donate my hair to create wigs for the cancer patient.
  54. ☆Buy a Cup of Coffee For a Cold Salvation Army Bell Ringer
  55. :Give a homeless person a gift.
  56. Go 365 days without TV.
  57. Complete the 4-hour challenge.
  58. Take an IQ Test.
  59. Laugh Till my Face Hurts.
  60. Develop a Catch Phrase.
  61. Be Self-Sufficient.
  62. Become body confident.
  63. ☆Start a coaching business to help motivate people and find with a truly want.
  64. Stop procrastinating.
  65. Go a whole month without tech.
  66. ☆Start a Charity.
  67. Walk with free hug signs.
  68. Live homeless for a while.
  69. ☆:Take a vow of silence for 3 days.
  70. Actually, keep a New Year’s Resolution.
  71. Cross 10 things off in one day.
  72. Make an important decision with a coin toss.
  73. Have More Goals That Are “Completed Things” Then “Things-To-Do”.
  74. Be in a gay pride parade.
  75. Ask the 50 questions that will free your mind.
  76. ☆:Develop greater self-esteem.
  77. ☆:Experience life in someone else’s shoes.
  78. Foster a Puppy.
  79. Participate in a Sweat Lodge Purification Ceremony
  80. Travel by myself.
  81. Let a stranger see me naked. ( jimjimbang)
  82. Sponsor a Child’s Wish through the Make-a-Wish Foundation.
  83. Embrace Nudity.
  84. Spend a Week at a Silent Retreat.
  85. Talk someone out of suicide.
  86. ✓Teach English in a Foreign Country.
  87. ☆Read books to kids in a library.
  88. ☆Donate Books.
  89. Swim Naked.
  90. ☆:Donate 100,000 Grains of Rice to Help End World Hunger.
  91. Be Present at a Birth.
  92. Be a Mentor.
  93. Be a Guest Speaker.
  94. ☆:Shake 50 hands in one day.
  95. ☆:Leave candy with my tip at the restaurant.
  96. ☆:Reflect on my greatest weakness and realize how it is my greatest strength.
  97. Convince someone to write a bucket list.
  98. Do something out of my comfort zone.
  99. High 5 100 people.
  100. ☆:Pick flowers and give than to random beautiful girls.
  101. ✓Shave my head for cancer.
  102. Attend a Random Free Seminar.
  103. Leave flowers on someone’s doorstep.
  104. ☆:Leave 20 Inspirational Notes in Random Places.
  105. Tip a lemonade stand with 100 $.
  106. Fill a whole day with random acts of kindness.
  107. Treat a homeless person to lunch and shopping.
  108. Give an insanely large tip to a bartender that you’ll never see again.
  109. Make a difference in someone’s life.
  110. Put coins in the expired parking meter.
  111. Volunteer at a homeless shelter.
  112. ☆:Sign up to become an organ donor.
  113. Help an old lady cross the street.
  114. :Volunteer in 5 different countries .