travel, Japan
236.✓Japan–Go to a owl cafe.
By Dane Garner and Edited by Rachel
Why is this on my list.

236.✓Japan–Go to a owl cafe.

I find the idea of an Owl cafe so quintessentially Japanese, That is one of the reasons  it is on my Bucket list. It is a cafe With cute animals, nice people and delicious coffee What more do you want In life, Or on your bucket list.

The story.

Back in an Akihabara my surrogate home for 14 days.

If I was to describe this temp home that I found my self wondering today. I would say it is a cross between Star Wars and an abandon insane asylum. With a pinch of tentacle porn added just for fun.

GOD, you got to love Japan.

Akihabara is a cool place. As you go from cafe to cafe, mall to mall, you will find everything under the sun. Form arcade with games that feel so real that it just might be you kicking the brains out of Scorpion. (finish him!!!!!)  and I am not kidding a 6 story sex store that would make Hugh Hefner blush. I am going to go deeper into this sex store a bit…… LOL did you see what I did there?  

But today I am just wondering around seeing what I can find, I love rolling the preverbal dice of life and see what lands some times you win and end out with a cool story. And other time you get snake eyes and end out lost and without money.

Today I will see what the dice bring me.

It is early in the morning Siting in a cafe that can best be described as a good contender for the new nation of Iaptopastan. It is full of well to do people that are dressing as if they had a Salvation Army threw up on them. It is not bad, But my heart will always lie with Tim Hortons. After my nice coffee, I get up from my chair and leave the cafe thing to my self what I will do with my day.

As I am meandering in and out of the main streets and small alleyways look at this beautiful city with new eyes. But there is Olney one thing I am thinking about. What I can cross off my bucket list?

Buying panties form a vending machine?

Eat a bento box?

Drink in an Izakaya? 

Drink shochu in Japan?

NOPE. The travel god had other plans.

I am walking, where I do not know. But I feel a pull to somewhere (Or it may be the coffee) I go left, right and I take one more left and I am standing on a street corner. And like a million people before, I am waiting for the little green guy to appear.

This gives me a chance to take in my surrounding and god what a cool place I have got myself in to. I see people standing on the other side of the street In suits that are worth more than some small European countries GDP. Standing next to him is a man that looks to be about 1000 years old. ( quick fact Japan has the oldest population in the world)  And everywhere I look there is skyscraper they are huge and imposing. I feel like Japan it trying to remind me that I am from a small town in rural Alberta.

But Before I can continue my thought the red hand changes to the walking guy. And as I am crossing I see on the other side there Is a woman holding an owl. and hand out papers. What is she doing? did she start an owl church? If so I am so in owl are dope but I walk up to her and she smiles one of the cutest smiles I have ever seen. It is a cross between a puppy and a baby. All big cheeks and teeth.  

  I ask her what she is doing and she tells me She’s trying to get people to come to her owl cafe. I was wondering if it was on my bucket list so I quickly look it up. lo and behold. it Is on my bucket list. I’ve always loved the cafe even more if there are interesting and beautiful.

 “how to get there”

She points at a building no more than 30 feet away. I start on my looooooooong journey of 30 feet. As I go up the stares I can start to smell birds. that dam musty smell that reminds me of what the owlery in Harry Potter would smell like. I make it to the 3 floor. I got to the front counter And ask how much it costs 15$ for a coffee and to chill with the world’s coolest birds. That is cheap!!!  It cost more to go to the olive garden in Calgary and I would not even call that food.

But I pay the money (well worth it) Then I order a latte. The coffee is ok not the best. But that is not why I am there, It is like going to a strip club and getting mad that the wings are shit.  I pop a squat on this nice looking bench. Taking a sip on my latte I notice that it’s a little humid and smells of birds(no shit) Then I understand the absurd Place I am in.

Looking around I see what seems like 50 owls. There are all different shapes and sizes from Hedwig to Pigwidgeon. Around me curiously people taking photos and chatting. there’s a huge television screen playing a studio Ghibli movie which I personally think it’s a nice touch.

   Being in this room is quite a trip. I think to myself if only I had smoked weed before I came in. I’d be tripping harder than anything else. I notice there is a moment next to me on the bench. And It is a little brown owl just chilling. So I take out my camera and take a shot of him.  After taking the shot I just think “how cool the eyes of an owl are”. I can see why the first nations think they are wise. They look at it. 

After I take the shots, I look left and right Making sure nobody is watching. I am gonna give a quick little pat on the head of the owl. Why not you only live once. I raise my hand hoping he does not bite me. and then I do it, give him a little love tap. I giggle to myself realizing how ridiculous this life is in this world and after I pat him I put my hand down and he flies away the magical moment.

I finish my coffee pack my camera up and go off to look for other things on my bucket list for Japan which there are so many.


How to cross it off

  1. take a 14h flight to Japan.
  2. (Optional)  get drunk on plane.
  3. Go to owl cafe.
  4. drink coffee.
  5. Play with owl’s. 

Interesting facts.

  • An owl’s eyes account for 1-5% percent of the owl’s body weight.
  • An owl’s flattened face funnels sound to their ears so that they can detect even the slightest noise.
  • The smallest owl in the world is the elf owl, which is 5–6 inches tall and weighs just 1.5 ounces.
  • The largest North American owl is the great gray owl, which can reach up to 32 inches tall.
  • The northern hawk owl is able to hear prey as much as 12 inches under the snow.
  • Owls are found on all continents except Antarctica.
  • Not all owls hoot, and those that do also make other noises, such as chirps, whistles, screeches, barks, growls, and shrieks. The “hoo hooo” sound usually associated with owls is a great-horned owl call.
  • On average, female owls are larger than male owls.
Photo Essay.
Passed posts.

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Hello, my name is Dane welcome To my bucket list. If you had absolute freedom what would you do? on
Hello, my name is Dane welcome To my bucket list. If you had absolute freedom what would you do? on

Hello what is on your bucket list?
My name is Dane, I’ve been travelling the world for roughly 7 years now, learning to cook delicious food and crossing things off my bucket list. But my all-time favorite thing to do is to volunteer and help people. Follow me on my journey around the world crossing off my bucket list and Helping People along the way.😊❤😜 
If you want to see another awesome blog my fiancé does a blog called Nomads notebooks she’s an awesome and better writer than I will ever be. She’s also a really cool person. I would love for you to give her like a subscribe and read her writings thank you so much for supporting someone I love 
I love you all.