God it’s hot how can it be so dam hot.
That’s exactly what I’m thinking Just 10 minutes into the hike up mount Keelung.
I’m already almost out of water in my bottle but my friend ahead of me seems perfectly fine. She looks back smiles at me and says that I should hurry up a little.
I laugh but in my head I’m screaming out words that would put me in a lot of trouble.
No you maybe asking why am I torturing myself and +30 with no sun protection.
Am I trying to get cancer, no. Am I trying to get dehydrated and turn into Beef jerky. The one thing I’ve always wanted to be.
no, at lest not on purpose.
I’m trying to climb to the top of this mountain because it is said to have a very beautiful look out. also I do like exercising and what is better than sweating out of everyone part of my body.
I think I’ve burnt every single calorie I have ever had in my body.
I’m climbing but after about an hour of hiking up thousands of stairs we eventually make it to the lookout and it is beautiful. but I would give everything for just a glass of water.
What is that saying?
My kingdom for a glass of water
But me and my friend eventually rest under the shade of a Little building as we look out upon our hard work.
it’s beautiful On one side of us is the Island and on the other side of us is sprawling stretching coastline leading out to the ocean.
We sit there and take a couple photos after we make friends with a nice Chinese lady who takes a photo of us together.
It’s amazing experience was absolutely worth it in the end I’m happy I did it was one of the last things I did when I was in Taiwan and it something I will remember forever.
Moral of the story remember just because something is hard at the time doesn’t mean it’s not worth it in the end some of the best things in life are really hard LOL, if you know what I mean.
But I do hope you guys like the post.
I love you all and I’ll see you in the next one.
love Dane.