Taiwan, Travel
34.✓Taiwan–Sit in the highest Starbucks in the world.
By Dane Garner and Edited by Rachel
Why is this on my list.

34.✓Taiwan–Sit in the highest Starbucks in the world.

I’m in love with weird and wonderful cafés all around the world I When I think about cafés that are different Starbucks is not one of them Starbucks  is one of most generic cafés in the world but they do have interesting ones insert today’s the world’s highest Starbucks I don’t mean with drugs

The story.

Taipei Taiwan to beautiful city full of hustle and bustle where people are going to places that they don’t want to go to and doing things they don’t necessarily want to do but the beautiful city where is the next in crannies and alleyways have magic within them Break and walked on a single alleyway and find yourself in a beautiful bakery or you can go down the laneway and have amazing photos of old people playing chess or little kids playing in the park

Needless to say Taipei is a beautiful city and is famous for the Taipei 101 building one of the worlds biggest buildings it’s beautiful sleek modern but it has a call back to the history of China it looks very similar to a pagoda

And on the 35th floor of the Taipei 101 building and oh my god what a view even on the hazy days it seems as if the whole city opens up to you

But the story doesn’t start with a beautiful view on a beautiful building  it started with a failure

Me and my friend were looking for the entrance of the typing 101 building one day I knew about the Starbucks and it was already on my bucket list the thing is is I didn’t know you need to make reservations so me and my friend to Taipei 101 building which is a lot of fun but will when up task to go to the Starbucks they said that we needed to make a reservation

Under my breath I said shit and we left the building with their tails between her legs passport a few days me and my friends are all drinking in the bar we drunkenly called Taipei Taipei 101 building the answer and we make a reservation easy is that

The next day me and a couple my friends are on the Taipei 101 building is cloudy which makes me little sad thinking that I won’t be up to scene I a nice view but onward and upward ago me and a bunch other foreigners with your big cameras and big hats are all standing around in a lineup waiting to go into the elevator a really nice polite kind Tony’s woman dressed in a Starbucks uniform comes up and tells us that it’s time for us go up and have a coffee I cut my hand to make some stupid joke and she rolls her eyes

Just like most people after walking into the elevator I think to myself how high is 35 floors I do some simple math I realized that it’s about 350 ish feet. I’m thinking about that as we are climbing higher and higher to the café and eventually we hear nice soft ding and the doors open

You know what I woodseave necessarily I thought it look different than any other Starbucks but sadly it looked exactly the same Picture at a Starbucks anywhere in world and you basically have what it looks like except there weren’t that many walls was mostly windows with a beautiful panoramic Vista of the city

Me my friends quickly tackle an old lady I was running to go save all 10 seats for herself right next the and I saved the three seat window and we save the three seats that we needed I told them that I wait for them to get their café and then I will go get mine they graciously oblige and go get the Coffee

No interest in fact you need to spend at least ¥200 to be able to go to the Starbucks sounds like a lot but it really isn’t it’s basically coffee and smoke pastry today I decided to splurge and get two pastries in the coffee why not you only live once

My friends used to say I’m adding how sad the people in the Titanic were when they said no to the dessert cart

But I’m sitting there waiting lost in my thoughts thinking about life loving appreciate happiness of the look out upon a huge beautiful city full of people living their lives not even realizing that that a weird white Canadian guys sitting there staring at them

I feel lucky to be living this life

I snap back to reality as my two friends are sitting next to me they decided to splurge as well they got a couple pastries and a nice coffee I quickly stand up and wait in the little line I decide to get a classic latte and a Chocolate croissant

Just like Starbucks or quick as all get them after just a couple minutes I have a coffee and pastry warmed up to perfection I suspect on her friends and we start to chat about the view after couple minutes we start playing I spy

After a couple minutes of that we all start getting bored of me dressed often to our own head eventually I asked if I could get a couple photos my friends obliged and started snapping away dated the same when I had my photos

Of course I took the photos after the impromptu photo shoot we sat back down and just when into our own heads I mostly thought about how when you look out upon a city like this you don’t see it first individual people that walk by you see it for the organism that it is where so many people can work together to create this huge massive city weatherbee the garbage man who take the garbage or the huge investment brokers who move money around from all around the world or some random Canadian guy sitting down with an ice coffee chatting with friends

Two Beautiful world we living in a hellish address you guys go to the Taipei one-to-one building it’s a little deer but it’s worth it in the and because then you can say that you been to the worlds  highest Starbucks and that’s an interesting party starter I guess

I hope you guys enjoyed this post I’m sorry if there’s a couple spelling mistakes but I know you guys still love me i’ll talk to you soon in the next post remember to live your life to the fullest and cross off your bucket list

Love Dane  

Photo Essay.
Passed posts.

Hello, my name is Dane welcome To my bucket list. If you had absolute freedom what would you do? on
Hello, my name is Dane welcome To my bucket list. If you had absolute freedom what would you do? on
Hello, my name is Dane welcome To my bucket list. If you had absolute freedom what would you do? on

Hello what is on your bucket list?
My name is Dane, I’ve been travelling the world for roughly 7 years now, learning to cook delicious food and crossing things off my bucket list. But my all-time favorite thing to do is to volunteer and help people. Follow me on my journey around the world crossing off my bucket list and Helping People along the way.😊❤😜 
If you want to see another awesome blog my fiancé does a blog called Nomads notebooks she’s an awesome and better writer than I will ever be. She’s also a really cool person. I would love for you to give her like a subscribe and read her writings thank you so much for supporting someone I love 
I love you all.