11.✓Australia–See SS Ayrfield.
By Dane Garner and Edited by Rachel
Why is this on my list.

11.✓Australia–See SS Ayrfield.

As you start to travel around the world you start to see very beautiful and  very a Eclectic things. I’ve always loved the old and decrepit, when I found out there was an old world war two boat with a forest growing on it close to Sydney. I added it to my bucket list just for the sheer curiosity of it.

The story.


Me and my friend are in the suburbs of Sydney, looking for the very beautiful Forest on a boat

After about 10 to 20 minutes of just wandering around in the scorching sun of the land down under and seeing beautiful parks, We turn the corner and I saw a small glimpse of water I thought to myself maybe it was behind this apartment building it turns out that has right

( lol that dose not happen much)

Now me and my friend were chatting, and sitting next to the old boat washing the birds fly in and out and all I was thinking is how life will find a way it is quite beautiful.

But I was trying to do videos  and that was a little less beautiful, this is one of the first videos in actually ever try to do and I was a horrendous fail but eventually after a couple photos  I felt like I tried. So I sat next to my bud and we chatted about life and how cool Sydney is.

But this boat looked old.

There’s rust everywhere you can see its age. Like a dusty bottle that you pull out of an abandoned wine cellar in the hills of France.  I wonder to my self what it looked like when it was working and new. Something like that I could not imagine what it looked like.

It was a transport ship so it didn’t see any battle in the war, But I’m assisting a lot of interesting stuff happened none the less, where it is laying is absolutely beautiful, it looks as if it’s sinking. It isn’t I don’t think. It it’s probably just the sheer wait of all the animal life vines and trees.

After a few mins of just siting in a surprisingly comfortable silence with my bud. Watching the birds fly through the holes of the boat walls. With the precision of a dive bomber that this vary boat may have been trying to doge. 

I started to realise

This old rusty boat is a wonderful analogy for are lives. No matter how much you build up, or how much preparations you plan and no matter how much stuff you try to acquire in the end of the day we will all end out rusty and decrepit.

That sounds really depressing but when you think about it it gives you freedom. It makes you realise that no  matter how bad things get or no matter what chances you take this will be okay.

I want you to remember that

Love Dane

Photo Essay.
Passed posts.

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Hello, my name is Dane welcome To my bucket list. If you had absolute freedom what would you do? on
Hello, my name is Dane welcome To my bucket list. If you had absolute freedom what would you do? on

Hello what is on your bucket list?
My name is Dane, I’ve been travelling the world for roughly 7 years now, learning to cook delicious food and crossing things off my bucket list. But my all-time favorite thing to do is to volunteer and help people. Follow me on my journey around the world crossing off my bucket list and Helping People along the way.😊❤😜 
If you want to see another awesome blog my fiancé does a blog called Nomads notebooks she’s an awesome and better writer than I will ever be. She’s also a really cool person. I would love for you to give her like a subscribe and read her writings thank you so much for supporting someone I love 
I love you all.