travel, Greece
127.✓Greece–Eat a Gyro in Greece.
By Dane Garner and Edited by Rachel
Why is this on my list.

127.✓Greece–Eat a Gyro in Greece.

This is one of the most well known and delicious Greek dishes in the World. Loved by everyone from the rich and powerful to the drunk university student.  This on my bucket list because if it was not I would be dum it is like not having sushi in Japan.

You can find a Gyro in some of the fanciest restaurants in Greece All the way down to the street food vendor selling to the workers it is such a quintessential Greek dish and to not have been on my bucket list would be insane especially from me as someone who loves food so much.

Why is this on my list.
What the hell is it.
Why is this on my list.

I Got this off the wiki if you want to see the full article click the blue wiki

Grilling a vertical spit of stacked meat slices and cutting it off as it cooks was developed in Bursa in the 19th century Ottoman Empire, and called doner kebab (Turkish: döner kebap). Following World War II, doner kebab made with lamb was present in Athens, introduced by immigrants from Anatolia and the Middle East. A distinct Greek variation developed, often made with pork and served with tzatziki sauce, which later became known as gyros

By 1970, gyros wrapped sandwiches were already a popular fast food in Athens, as well as in Chicago and New York City. At that time, although vertical rotisseries were starting to be mass-produced in the US by Gyros Inc. of Chicago, the stacks of meat were still hand-made.

According to Margaret Garlic, it was she who first came up with the idea to mass-produce gyros meat cones, after watching a demonstration by a Greek restaurant owner carving gyros on the What’s My Line? television show. She convinced her husband John Garlic, a Jewish former Marine and then Cadillac salesman, of the idea. After obtaining a recipe from a Greek chef in Chicago, the couple rented a space in a sausage plant in Milwaukee and began operating the world’s first assembly line producing gyros meat from beef and lamb trimmings, in the early 1970s. The Garlics later sold their business to Gyros Inc., which along with Central Gyros Wholesale, and Kronos Foods, Inc, also of Chicago, began large-scale production in the mid-1970s.

The story.

This one is kind of difficult to do as a story because as kind of an undercurrent of the whole trip of Greece I have probably had in the time that are spending Greece over 50 different Gyros in at least 20 to 30 different places some of them are absolutely delicious with perfectly marinated chicken lamb beef or pork. in some of them less so but all of them have been delicious such a simple concept to add meat to a pita with some vegetables and some hot potatoes it’s such simple idea.

 It’s so difficult to do incredibly well.  like making a fried egg.

If you go to the small village  They’re cheaper than the ones in the City and they’re much better tasting that is a Dane top tip you can put in your pocket

but I know that’s just me or if that’s just a simple fact but the food here especially gyros. At the start of the trip to Greece, I was only buying one of these delish tubes of sexiness.  By the end of it, I started to buy 2 at a time because I knew that I would love them so much and I did not have much time like a man on death row.

I do feel very lucky that I can experience stuff like this. The beautiful and delicate marinated meat sliced off of the rotating Sharma meet cooker piled high on a warm grilled pita with fresh lettuce and tomatoes and tzatziki and if you’re lucky freshly cooked fries that crunch, as you bite into the pita all you need, is a cool beer and I would call that a good day 

It’s a very common food but so delicious when it’s done well I think I said that already but I’m having difficulty not gushing over this dish and so delicious so beautiful and so simple I really do hope you all could try one from Greece.

 One of the best experiences in Greece for me. Rachel and I had a regular spot in Athens we would go to one cost about €2 50 to eat cheap as hell for where it was in the city.

They were made  It was a good experience and am really happy I could happen but I do hope you guys all enjoy having excellent food from whatever country you’re from chances are it’s on my bucket list to eat it.

I love you all and will see  you soon

Photo Essay.
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Hello what is on your bucket list?
My name is Dane, I’ve been travelling the world for roughly 7 years now, learning to cook delicious food and crossing things off my bucket list. But my all-time favorite thing to do is to volunteer and help people. Follow me on my journey around the world crossing off my bucket list and Helping People along the way.😊❤😜 
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