God damn Québec is cold
Why am I getting up so early, I think to myself as alarm beeping.
It’s dark I look over at the alarm it is 6 AM.
I think of myself is it worth it getting up at 6 AM, to go hot air ballooning and I think to myself that’s fucking stupid joke. I Roll over in bed and see Letesea she’s up as well. I give her a morning kiss, quickly brush my teeth and get dressed for the day to come.
And then I ask a dum ass question “ is it cold” lol is it cold Yes dane ….. so I put on a couple extra layers. still grumbling about Québec and how cold it is.
(when the hell is a quebec this summer anyways 😉 )
And by the time I’m done getting dressed and ready so is Latisse we put our shoes on and hop out the doo.r I didn’t realise it was so chilly outside. We hop in the car turn it’s on and crank the heater
My mind goes back to times when people are would have a horse drawn carriages and how shitty life would’ve been. I laughed to myself.
And off we going to grand old adventure.
To go hotter ballooning, After a few mins it’s starting to get brighter as the sun is just trying to peak its eyes over the tree line.
We keep passing Tim Hortons and every time I look at Latisse and do my best sad puppy impression.
I love coffee especially morning like this. She eventually caves in fast forward 5 min…..
sitting in the line, I think about what I want. I go for the 20 piece timbits . But the thing is they only give you a couple chocolate and jelly filled.
But it is good finger food so we get it.
We pull out of the drive through with are hot drinks and timbits. I open the box.
(Sadly only two jelly filled)
Fast forward 1 hour.
We are there
It’s really odd it’s not what I expected, once I stepped out were in the gravel parking lot with a small prefabricated building that has the hot air balloon festival logo on the front door.
It looks about as dusty and old as a Woman that is manning the counter.
We open up the creaking door and this is where the letesea shines her French is absolutely perfect.
mainly because of her first language. Lol she asked about the tickets And they told us we’re going to have to wait for a bit so that’s what we do we sit down just wait chatting about life.
Until the woman manning the counter comes over to us and tells us have to drive to go meet the group will be flying the hot air balloon. there in a field off the edge of the town we small gracious and Then get going it’s a quick drive about five minutes.
We get there and they are already setting up
I can feel the heat from where I’m standing. I start taking all the photos. It’s crazy how doesn’t it light on fire. I think to myself there is Probably’s a thing to prevent that.
The gentleman that is flying the ballon tells us to hop into the basket.
It’s a classic wicker basket I later learned that the reason wiser is bendy if it is a haxdlanding it will not brake.
The gentleman starts flying the balloon by letting out a ball of fire and it causes us to lift it bumps a couple times on the ground and then off we go. it is surprisingly peaceful as we start going higher and ever higher its not like fly it is like standing in the air is quite. You can hear a pin drop.
people are turning into smaller and smaller things looking very similar to the toy cars it is cute not reminds me of being a kid. I look around the sun is high in the air shining brightly against the other hot air balloons that are around us
I cannot believe how lucky I’m to be here. There’s birds flying past it’s as if were plucked from the ground and put onto an invisible platform. this makes me want to go skydiving a lot more.
Eventually after 30 minutes or so he tells us that we have to land and I noticed that there’s a car that is following us. we start to slowly dissent by him pulling a small hole at the top of the balloon only at that moment I realise that I was floating and anything can happen.
We are falling slowly everything is starting to look more and more not like a toy.
Evenly we land it was a soft landing.
And at the end of the date me and letesea are hand in hand in the car I give her a kiss on the cheek and say thank you.
It was a good day and I a nice date.
I highly stress everybody tries riding hot air balloon especially with someone they love.
And remember there’s always someone out there for you.
you just have to go out there and enjoy and try new things.
I love you all and I hope you enjoy this post sorry if there’s any spelling mistakes. But hay that is life
I love you all and I’ll see on the next post
Love dane
I smile and kiss letesa on the cheek and say good morning………. fast forward we are sitting in a cold ass car waiting for it to heat up and god it takes a while. I rub my hand together, a small part of me hopes a small fire will start for my hand. It may warm the car up sooner.
but my mind is shot back to reality. As we are driving down the desolate streets of nigh time montreal. where there is just a few other cars passing the other way. I see a glow, a familiar glow of red neon.
Tim Hortons
I look at letesa like a lost puppy looks at a kid with a hot dog . after a few words we decide that it would make life 10 times better to have a hot drink as we drive so we go through the drive-through. I get the regular. a long-Jon and a double-double coffee. My love gets hot chocolate. And we are off a little happier and ever warmer.
and after 45 mins the sun starts going up are we are almost there. We park in a non-described parking lot one right off the breaking bad set.at the end a shappy looking trailer with the front door open. and the sine for the hot air balloon festival. we shut the car off and walk in. A kind woman tells us that we need to wait till the sun comes up till are balloon can be let go.
We smile and go to the car and watch the sunrise it is beautiful. And even more beautiful it is starting to warm up. As letesa and I are cuddling a man walks up as says that they will be filling are balloon if we were to get ready to go. Nodding,
we stand up and follow the man, I just notice how many balloons there are. as we are waling to are balloon I just noticed just how many there are all shapes and colour but the man stops at are balloon it is still laying on the ground. he helps his colleagues to start to fill the balloon up. the huge flame starts to fill the hot air balloon up with well……. hot air and slowly it rices.
avenchly it is upright and the sun is all the way up. He tells us that we can go in we will be leaving soon so we jump in to the bassket .as i lift my lag over i wonder why they are still whikker. the flyer hops in looking cool like a cucummber. witch helps becuse by now my hart if liffting out of my chest then.
then they cound down and let the roap go and we are off the pilot hits the gas and a huge ball of flame shoots out of the engen lifting us hight . I can fell the heat from where we are sitting.