
137.✓France–Moulin Rouge.

By Dane Garner and Edited by Rachel
Why is this on my list.

Sadly this time because of money and time restraints I wasn’t able to actually watch Mulan rouge. I will one day in the future but I’m happy to cross it off just by watching those giant red windmills turning. It’s a very interesting area of Paris as well full of sex stores and gay clubs I can’t complain never dull life.

The story.


I only Half crossed off this when I took a photo in front of the Moulin Rouge iconic windmill. now I want to go watch one of the shows with Rachel I think that be an excellent date night just to share some of that beautiful and to get drunk off champagne. But sadly we did not have the time in Paris because we had to go back to England (the virus of 2020)

But it was still interesting to kiss in front of the Moulin Rouge and walk past that iconic red windmill. That’s  I later found out that they havebeen spinning for over a century.

I don’t really know much of a story because this is just the first part of me crossing this one off. I want to simply going in and watching a show I’d love to meet some of the owners and some of the dancers. I think that be awesome but I’m very lucky to be in Paris and I’m very lucky to be with someone like Rachel.

I would love to be up there on stage doing the cancan but I don’t think that  it will work. I don’t have the legs for the dress. LOL

Photo Essay.
Passed posts.

Hello, my name is Dane welcome To my bucket list. on this post Start a travel saving account/investment. Thank you
614.✓United Kingdom–The Buried Remains of Little Compton Street
682.✓United Kingdom–Sunday Roast.
16✓Ride a bullet train.

Hello what is on your bucket list?
My name is Dane, I’ve been travelling the world for roughly 7 years now, learning to cook delicious food and crossing things off my bucket list. But my all-time favorite thing to do is to volunteer and help people. Follow me on my journey around the world crossing off my bucket list and Helping People along the way.😊❤😜 
If you want to see another awesome blog my fiancé does a blog called Nomads notebooks she’s an awesome and better writer than I will ever be. She’s also a really cool person. I would love for you to give her like a subscribe and read her writings thank you so much for supporting someone I love 
I love you all.