Travel, Taiwan
139.Taiwan–Go to Sun Moon Lake.
By Dane Garner and Edited by Rachel
Why is this on my list.

139.Taiwan–Go to Sun Moon Lake.

Why is this on your bucket list but the truth of the matter is is it’s beautiful 20 was beautiful except ever been to my life new about it even before and he was going to Taiwan is a most directly in the center of the island so to say that I wanted to go here is kind of an understatement and hopefully I could see the sunrise and sunset such a beautiful experience but I did with one of my closest friends

The story.

Do you think places can hold an aura

I do

The sun Moon Lake in Taiwan has the special place in my heart twenty most idyllic places I’ve ever been to my life life huge lake where you come bike around the whole circumference in every corner you see beautiful cafés and amazing restaurants with our calories attached

There’s a beautiful experience to go there and I took some amazing photography of the lake you see old man fishing in the early morning in the hopes of catching some dinner new see some young children running down the streets of the small villages surrounding the lake it’s beautiful

I had the pleasure and the love to actually experience me and my friend will named Bob walked around the circumference twice and we went on a couple boat rides going through the middle

Others many stories I can tell you about this late but I’m in Taiwan my favorite ones it was on one of the last days we were there

I remember the sun was setting we are getting tired so we have to go we decided to go walk up the the top of the hill to see the temple it was hot and sweaty work the sun was beating down on us exit was slowly lowering down and out of review eventually we meant to the top but her heart dropped going found out that it’s closed so we just stood off to the edge to see the beautiful vistas on the Sunset in front of

I pulled up my camera like I always do  started snapping photos looking in the little tiny bright screen I could see that photos were dirty it look like the sensor was dirty so I write the lens and took couple more than I realize it happen again so wasn’t the sensor

It was the photo and then I realized there were millions of dragonflies flying around us making quiet buzzing noise you my friend took in the experience of seeing all these guys just flying around the sunsetting

And then out of the corner of her ear we heard’s a bike pedal and pasta and there’s a tall muscular Caucasian that’s weird to see sometimes near in the middle of nowhere he politely bowed and I said hey what’s up bud I’m headed sick German accent my friend was German and I started chatting very quickly about life eventually out of kindness he switched to English so I can understand what’s going on

He told me that he is a world traveling German U does long distance bike I am a should myself it was amazing he told me stories about how he biked across Europe and across Canada and America and Howie’s right now biking the circumference of Taiwan

A man after my own heart handsome smart and was traveling my god

But he tells us a story and we talked for 2030 minutes until eventually he says he has to go look for camping and off because we shake hands and say thank you for the story

And I watching bike away by this time the sun is almost fully set and we realize not only is the Temple close but so is the buses so I do the one thing that I thought I needed to do

I stuck my thumb out in the hopes of getting a pick up from you my friend resin is speaking at worked very quickly a red Mustang pulled off to the side and we Hopton by this time we will need a couple minutes left of light I think him and told him they were just trying get to the main city he smiles and off ago he rubs his engine and you Take off at speed he’s turning quickly through the winding road to this beautiful place I think he’s trying to show how badass is talking like he really dead there’s a beautiful moment to finish watching the sunset through the window of a red Mustang traveling way too fast and is wanting roads what an experience to have he drops us off and bows we say goodbye and have a wonderful day we’re at office office literally 30 feet away from our hostile Bareilles for an of us is a nice bar so we go for a beer and discuss all the beautiful things we experience in Sunman lake that’s when I realized that in life it’s not always the things you planned that her beautiful little things that happen that you never expected to just have to put yourself in the situation hoping for the best and that’s the point of traveling in my eyes that’s the point of life you just have to get out of go

I love you all and I hope you guys all good experience moments like that and I see you next post

Love Dane

Photo Essay.
Passed posts.

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Hello, my name is Dane welcome To my bucket list. If you had absolute freedom what would you do? on
Hello, my name is Dane welcome To my bucket list. If you had absolute freedom what would you do? on

Hello what is on your bucket list?
My name is Dane, I’ve been travelling the world for roughly 7 years now, learning to cook delicious food and crossing things off my bucket list. But my all-time favorite thing to do is to volunteer and help people. Follow me on my journey around the world crossing off my bucket list and Helping People along the way.😊❤😜 
If you want to see another awesome blog my fiancé does a blog called Nomads notebooks she’s an awesome and better writer than I will ever be. She’s also a really cool person. I would love for you to give her like a subscribe and read her writings thank you so much for supporting someone I love 
I love you all.