Travel, China
153.✓China–See the Terracotta Warriors.
By Dane Garner and Edited by Rachel
Why is this on my list.

153.✓China–See the Terracotta Warriors.

The reason I wanted to go to the Terracotta Warriors is just simply because the historical and cultural significance.

The story.

Man, I was looking at the photos of me and I look so young, it’s crazy!

I remember that day very well

– we will to get the Terracotta warriors –

We did a tour and that was the first mistake. I think that if you can do it yourself you should as it’s a lot cheaper and it leaves you more room for adventure.

But none the less it was wonderful day for me, so we are heading towards the warriors and it was a little smoggy. But you get used to that,

Coughing up the black crap you don’t get used to though.  When we had bought tickets for the tour I honestly thought we would go straight there.

Little did I know that we are going to pass through three stores from one stop over and over again, just trying to sell us stuff. It is quite annoying but after about an hour of this we eventually made it to the front door with the giant “UNESCO World Heritage Site” in bold letters and under that “Terracotta Warriors”. The second I saw that my heart fluttered.

I grabbed Letesea’s hand and we quickly ran up to the building before the group who were probably thinking we were crazy, I pulled out my camera and start taking photos left right and centre. The building was a huge monolith of Chinese architecture.

It’s very beautiful with high ceilings and a huge skylight that shone brightly down, a constant beautiful spotlight on the UNESCO world heritage site sign.

Sadly I have to wait for the rest of the group.





Eventually the geriatric men and women made it after having difficulties walking up the stairs with the tour guide and by then I was bouncing up and down on my feet, trying to betray some semblance of calm.

The guide shook her head and gave us the tickets – I went as quickly as possible to pay so we didn’t have to go in to three other stores and have her trained sellers descend on us.

We have actually just started aimlessly wondering round of labyrinth physicals at her collar warrior museum the first building had photos of the day and what happened when they found the

terra-cotta warriors.

Including photos of the colouring of the terra-cotta warriors they’re all hand painted/ I can only imagine what it look like a huge army painted in perfect colours standing their stock still likes…….. Like statues ,lol

This is what intrigues me just a simple fact that the amount of statues here is incredible  we were walking around and we eventually made it to the huge airplane hanger like building where you can just make out the people walking on the other side and within it is huge holes where the terra-cotta words were perfectly uncovered and that’s that even all of them

What I love about this just so complicated wherever this man got the idea to make all of his sermons painting crazy soldiers probably was high on some sort of drunk it’s amazing

There’s a couple we can get pretty close to where you can looking you can see the expression in the face their hands holding the Spears knives and it just makes you think.

God people back then had so much time.

After a couple hours of wandering around and taking photos of the terra-cotta army that we have to go back into the bus.

so that’s what we do we slowly drag your feet hoping to see a little bit more history can another glimpse another terra-cotta warrior but

sadly it was not’s in the cards bust inspect the city thank

God without any stops

And drop us off we went for coffee and discussed what we saw was a beautiful experience and something I wish to do again

You get an odd feeling when you see the terra-cotta warriors. just the complexity of the peoples thought processes back in the day near ours very well and it realise that you’re not very different from the people you see from old photos and paintings.

They fell in love they had kooky ideas and they lived their life its beautiful.

I hope you enjoy the post thank you very much and sorry there’s anything mistakes

I hope you enjoy I love you all I See you in the next post

Love dane

Photo Essay.
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Hello, my name is Dane welcome To my bucket list. If you had absolute freedom what would you do? on

Hello what is on your bucket list?
My name is Dane, I’ve been travelling the world for roughly 7 years now, learning to cook delicious food and crossing things off my bucket list. But my all-time favorite thing to do is to volunteer and help people. Follow me on my journey around the world crossing off my bucket list and Helping People along the way.😊❤😜 
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I love you all.