travel, China
154.✓China–See the Shanghai skyline.
By Dane Garner and Edited by Rachel
Why is this on my list.

154.✓China–See the Shanghai skyline.

One of the reasons that this is on my bucket list is because I love skylines and I hope to see all of the famous ones – France, Rome, Las Vegas… In this post I talk about one of my favourite skylines I’ve seen – Shanghai.

The story.

The first time I went to Shanghai it blew me away – it’s this interesting mix of the technologically advanced and the extremely traditional.

It also is a mixed of east and west. I love that city.

I remember the first time I went to Shanghai it was like a kick in the face – the voices, the smells, the people – it is a true melting pot of people from not just the world but also Chinese, Cantonese, Mandarin and 30 other dialects.

I remember sitting in a hostel in the middle of downtown Shanghai drinking a beer and reading a book when I saw a really interesting looking Chinese man. He had a huge beard, was slightly chubby and when he smiled his eyes scrunched up beautifully.

I was little bored of reading so I stood up, grabbed my cold six-pack and walked up to this kind gentleman. I introduced myself, he smiled back in the way that I said and it warmed my heart! He introduced himself and told me that he is a Canadian! I instantly smiled, sat down and offered him a beer as we start talking about Canada.

This happens a lot when I’m traveling and this time it led me to a Canadian which doesn’t happen too often. I tend to like to sit down and say hello and get their life story, just like when two pilots, two doctors and two cooks get in the room to push them towards each other and like to chat altogether.

We had a shared culture and interest but as were chatting and drinking beers and getting slowly more drunk he randomly tells me that he’s a director of movies and he has lots of friends at a party. He graciously asks me to come too, to which I say yes, of course.

I thought to myself that he seems like a pretty cool guy, I don’t think he’ll steal my liver.

He promptly calls a taxi and speaks perfect Mandarin to the driver – yet again I think that’s fucking cool and then he beckons me out the door. Sitting next to me he get’s a text saying that we are going to get sushi with this actor and director – I think “well yeah that’s normal, of course” and then we’re off.

The thing with taxi drivers in most cities is that they drive crazy – chatting on the phone, smoking, taking sharp left and right turns, almost seamlessly shifting from lane to lane. It’s beautiful, like a dance. All the cars of Shanghai are so close and yet they know what to do. I’ve never seen a crash in Shanghai.

After about 15 mins of driving we park in front of a nondescript building and start walking up the stairs. I slowly start to hear the noises of people drinking and then I opened a big wooden door at the top stairs to find about 200 people sitting down, enjoying sushi and drinks. My friend beckons me to the corner of the restaurant. It’s beautifully adorned with Japanese artwork and right in front of us are two Japanese chefs, quickly cutting sushi just like a surgeon would cut a tumour from the brain.

I sit down at this table of fifteen people who are all interestingly dressed, sitting close and having intriguing conversations and anecdotes. There’s people from all over the world and I instantly fall in love with them all.

I don’t know what to eat but everybody started ordering and I just go with it. Eventually our food comes all beautifully plated and soon after is the alcohol – beer, whiskey, vodka. We start drinking, playing drinking games and getting to know each other. Everybody seems interested in me as we start discussing love, perspectives and everything in between.

Time is going by fast and I’m getting progressively more and more drunk… eventually it’s time for us to leave so we settle our tab and shake hands, give hugs and kisses on the cheek and then me and my director friend walk out of the restaurant. It’s surprisingly dark as the sun is setting and casting long shadows. We quickly get a taxi and I didn’t notice until now but we are actually quite tipsy.

Sitting in the taxi my friend looks to me and tells me he can show me somewhere cool. I make a nervous chuckle and say sure not knowing what is about to happen.

After a couple of minutes of driving we hit an industrial-looking apartment building. It’s so rusty it looks as if it would be a setting for a zombie Apocalypse in Chernobyl.

Now I love adventure and doing new things but I’m kicking myself now as I think I might die – it seems like a really sketchy building.

My friend beckons me and and puts me in elevator, he doesn’t tell me anything other than I’ll enjoy it as he winks. I wonder what will happen as we eventually reach the top floor.

There are a couple of stairs that lead further upwards.

He gets me to gently push out the door of the elevator and I walk up the stairs, when I open the door I feel the cool wind of the night hit me and realise I’m on the roof. He tells me that this is one of his favourite places to go and he points out the direction of the skyline.

I realise that not many people may have seen the Shanghai Skyline from this vantage point as I’m above a lot of the buildings. I’m standing there looking directly at the beautiful lights shimmering, I can see the perfect view of all the people hustling and bustling trying to take photos.

I can’t hear anything, it’s so peaceful and tranquil. I can only hear the wind blowing as I think that this is probably one of the more beautiful moments of my life – me and him sitting there and chatting for a couple of minutes, polishing off a couple beers. Finally he tells me it’s time for us to go back. I  take a final look back and realise I’m very lucky to be who I am.

I hope you liked this post. The one thing that I hope you take away from this story is it’s good to take chances, but be safe and be smart. The best parts of life are when you don’t know what’s going to happen.

I love you all and I’ll see on the next post!

Love Dane

Photo Essay.
Passed posts.
Hello what is on your bucket list?
My name is Dane, I’ve been travelling the world for roughly 7 years now, learning to cook delicious food and crossing things off my bucket list. But my all-time favorite thing to do is to volunteer and help people. Follow me on my journey around the world crossing off my bucket list and Helping People along the way.😊❤😜 
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I love you all.