travel, Hong Kong
189.✓Hong Kong–Eat dim-sum in Hong Kong.
By Dane Garner and Edited by Rachel
Why is this on my list.

189.✓Hong Kong–Eat dim-sum in Hong Kong.

By now you all know I love food. In all its weird and wonderful aspects. The history and what it means to a culture.

For me, Kong Kong was a mysterious and beautiful place. When I first touched down in Hong Kong and started to aimlessly wander, I  felt just like how Alice felt tumbling down that rabbit hole.  Roaming down those beautiful streets lit by neon, my heart, my brain, my nose and eyes were all fightings for attention.  I am walked on a street and I smell tempting food, and I want to go eat it but. No more than 30 seconds later, I see a busker dancing and I get lost in watching him dance.

Hong Kong, It’s beautiful In a grungy and seedy way like Blade Runner.

The reason why dim sum in Hong Kong is on my bucket list. It is because that seems like the core of the culinary faculties of all of Hong Kong. (I know there is a lot more to it but that is one of the most important meals in Hong Kong) It’s artistic, but I can also be simple and has so many different kinds of dishes you can make. I’m happy that I had this on my bucket list, I’m even happier that I have a chance to cross it off.

The story.
 “Your body is not a temple, it’s an amusement park. Enjoy the ride.” 
-Anthony Bourdain 
Here I am in a line of people.  People behind me,  even more, people in front. You may be asking, what’s that crazy Canadian doing today. Is he going to the doctors the answer is…….. No, I got that checked out and it was not a twin. Am I waiting in line to do with the teacups in Disneyland? No, this was a lot more fun and that doesn’t make me want to throw up. The answer is dim-sum, not just any dim-sum, but one of the best restaurants in the world. I remember waiting in line. slowly creeping to the door just like a leopard creeping up to his prey. My excitement is Filling me more and more with each step. I crane my Neck to see how far it will be. It feels like I am in China, that is how long the line is.  As the door swings open I here’s the soundtrack of a busy restaurant people laughing, the clinking of glasses and in the distance, yelling of the cooks from the kitchen. it’s beautiful.
 You may ask What is dim-sum? That is a good question random person from the internet. Well, dim sum is a Chinese dish of small steamed or fried savoury dumplings containing various fillings. I liken it to art with steam or oil. But back to the line. I’m eating alone which is actually good. (god I am so lonely) Sometimes I love going to alone a restaurant, especially if it’s a really good restaurant. because I can just enjoy the food without worrying about the other person.
I am standing right in the front of the door now,  I am hopping up and down. I Look as if I have been holding in a pee for 4 days.  But I press the button on the door and it slides open, just like the doors of the starship enterprise. I love it. Man Hong Kong is 20 years ahead of Canada. But then I realize that  -40 probably wouldn’t be very good for the doors.  I step in and the smell of delicious world-class food overtakes me. Just like a wave of The ocean, A woman walks up to me. She is in a little bit of a hurry, She smiles hands me a clipboard and pushes me along into a table.
I sit, I smile, I look at the clipboard with the menu.  I think I need to mark in with the pencil. Thinking to myself ( I did not know there will be a test) I laughed at my dumb ass dad joke.  But then in shock, I look at the menu. It all in Chinese!!!! I think (well shit) but the woman runs over and takes The clipboard for me and turns it over. Lo and behold it in English. I take a sigh of relief, Then I start checking off everything.  As if I was taking a quiz. But I didn’t know the answers to Half the questions. 
I feel like I was betting, I did not know 100% what I was getting my self in to, or how much food I just got. But I didn’t mind, it was gonna be entertaining. I hand her the piece of paper and she walks off into the steamy-looking back room like an old film noir movie set. I sit down and just taking my surroundings.
Everybody seems so happy in this place. It seems as if it’s a very popular place, obviously it is. I later find out that it is one of the top 100 restaurants in the world.  I put my earbuds in, I start listening to some calming music while thinking about the meal I’m about to have. It comes out surprisingly quickly. She starts bringing the food out, starting with the fried pork ball’s. and then Veg dumplings and it seems to go like she just keeps bring food “shit this is a lot,” I say as I shove more food into my open mouth.
I am taken by surprise to see the veritable smorgasbord of food that I have.  I just sit down look at it and take it in think ( well this will be fun) and then I start eating. What comes to follow is probably one of the best meals I’ve ever had. It is a compilation of every flavour you can think of from spicy to sweet savoury to sour every single aspect of food has been represented in this meal
 But the best thing was the pork bun. I start slow biting the corners of the Pork Buns. It seems as if it’s made of lava, delicious, delicious lava. I take a drink from my cup of tea to try to cool down my mouth. I start ramping up the speed of the food going in my mouth once it cools down. Then just as quickly as it started it finished. I am done, I sit back on my chair I take in the carnage. I realize I’m stuffed to the brim, the waitress as sharp as a knife, slides in a gives me the bill.
Holy moly it only cost me $15!!! I think to myself you can barely get a pizza for that in Canada.
 I just had one of the best meals in the world. I consider how lucky I am to be travelling the world and enjoy myself.  Then I remember all the hard work it’s takin to get me to where I am. I stand up From the seat wobbling ( because my stomach is protruding so much) I slowly walked towards the counter pay my money and walk out. I would assume if the waitress was to actually look at me, while I walk out I would look like a penguin waddling, left or right just trying not to fall over. I picture this and laugh a little.
God, what a beautiful world and what a beautiful meal. 

There are hundreds of different dim sum places in Hong Kong. A lot of them are really good. But the place I went was called dim-dim sum.

The best bet for you to do is sit down and have as much as you can eat. Try everything, be adventurous and enjoy it. But you have to have the pork buns if you don’t do you lost out on a mouth orgasm.

Hong Kong, Shek O, Dragon's Back
Phone:+852 2891 7677
Open Hours:
Everday- 10:00 am - 12:00 am
Photo Essay.
Passed posts.
Hello what is on your bucket list?
My name is Dane, I’ve been travelling the world for roughly 7 years now, learning to cook delicious food and crossing things off my bucket list. But my all-time favorite thing to do is to volunteer and help people. Follow me on my journey around the world crossing off my bucket list and Helping People along the way.😊❤😜 
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I love you all.