Gastronomy, Canada
192.✓Canada–Eat Montreal bagel
By Dane Garner and Edited by Rachel
Why is this on my list.

192.✓Canada–Eat Montreal bagel

Montreal bagels are one of those things I’ve heard a lot about in Canadian culture, kinda like maple syrup or hockey. But it is one of those things you hear about but you do not necessarily always get the chance to try it. But having friends living in Montreal helps a lot. So you can bet your bottom dollar that I had as many Bagels as I could fit in my little chipmunk mouth. 


The story.
Cats and dogs, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, Coke and Pepsi, Montreal and New York
One of these things has one thing in common, competition, but I am not here to chat about trump or my thought on Pepsi (it is as if Coke had a kid and left it in a closet for most of its life) I am here to talk about one specific rivalry, Montreal and New York. No, it is not gang-related. It is about Bagels, those warm chewy rings of comfort, I  have loved bagels ever since I was a child. One of my favourite breakfast memories was having a BLT blueberry bagel from Tim Hortons. I will be learning how to make them one day, but that is for another post. And one day I’ll go to New York as well, and eat one of there bagel. But as far as I’m concerned as a true blooded Canadian I  will always be on Montreal side.
The first time I had a Montreal Bagel, me and Leticia we’re walking through the beautiful windswept streets of Montreal. The leaves were falling as if they were trying to do their best impression on of snow. Amazing just amazing, we’re walking down the old streets looking at the beautiful colours of leaves with every shade of red, orange and brown you can think of.  I Had the thought that if only I could paint. This would be a beautiful painting, eventually, we turn a corner and we start to smell the sweet smell of yeast that permeates the whole street.
We make it to the building we are looking for Fairmount Bagels. lo and behold there is a line, I guess it was not just us thinking about bagels. I say “would you look at this building”  It’s old, one of those older buildings in Montreal you know has been through a lot of presidents, the prime minister, and historical events. And yet the store is still here, I can only picture it being here forever. I can’t imagine It gone, I feel the same way as the Great Wall of China or the pyramids.
They are here forever.
We stand in line trying making a game plan. Mine is not that good, I am thinking of buying the whole story lock stock and barrel. but Leticia says that we can come back anytime. I mutter that I like my plan better. But I considered to her plan at least one of us is thinking logically. After what feels like 300 years, but was most likely 5 mins. we make it in.
The cool thing is that in this store you can see everything from the fire of the oven to the bags of flour stacked to the ceiling. Ane the sweaty brows of the men who are carrying them. I am in awe. We place our order.
We order a grab bag. A little bit of everything.  Whole grain, blueberry, chocolate. They hand us a paper bag it is warm. I hug it, there is a small part of me that wants to run to the hills and protect them like Gollum in the lord of the rings. But I don’t, We pick out a bagel and take a bite. God, it is good soft warm and everything I think of in a bagel.
good luck New York you have your work cut out for you. 
Do I ever think that Montreal and New York will patch up the differences? Maybe one day, and on that day they’ll be sitting down on a big mahogany table chatting about life and how great it is. And in the centre of the table will be a beautiful, warm, delicious bagel!
I know if everybody on earth was to sit around and brake bread and enjoy it I think we would be living a much better and happier place.
The best bet is go in the morning and try everything.
There will be a line.
45° 31' 22.44" N
73° 35' 42.72" W
Address- 74 Avenue Fairmount O, Montréal, QC H2T 2M2, Canada
Phone- +1 514-272-0667
Photo Essay.
Passed posts.
Hello what is on your bucket list?
My name is Dane, I’ve been travelling the world for roughly 7 years now, learning to cook delicious food and crossing things off my bucket list. But my all-time favorite thing to do is to volunteer and help people. Follow me on my journey around the world crossing off my bucket list and Helping People along the way.😊❤😜 
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I love you all.