187.✓Feel breathless after a kiss.
By Dane Garner and Edited by Rachel
Why is this on my list.

I Found this one quite difficult to write about, the feelings that I have connected to this memory is very precious to me. I keep that memory locked away very close to my heart because the moments that I had with Nova. and every friend and lover that I’ve ever had is very important to me. I don’t necessarily know how to vocalize it but it  I will forever remember it as a whole, it’s not just the hike itself it’s not the beautiful vista or the small flower in front of you. It was everything. Enjoy every aspect of life, not just the big things. There are things on my bucket list that you will look at and say “o that is so easy” But that is not what this list is about. the resigning is to understand the importance of EVERY aspect of living, not just the big but also the small.

The story.

There’s one thing I know about myself. I’m a hopeless romantic, I am a lover of love. I’m the kinda guy that loves kisses at random moments and writing notes for my lover to find at random times. 

This is a story of a kiss. 

 Shit, It is 5:00 am. My alarm is blaring. Rolling over I give Nova a kiss good morning. I stumble out of bed, as I go bast are beautiful bay window I look out it is black the all I see is the street lights. There is no cars, bikes, or people. I get dressed and go through the day’s plans in my head.

Step 1. Get up. 

Step 2. Hike up a mountain at 5:30 am. 

Step 3. See the sunrise.

But I will start with step one. Make my self a coffee. I trudged to the kitchen and start the kettle of water. As I wait for the water I enjoy the silence of being the Only one up. it is calm and peaceful, but that is all broken when the water is boing, Grabbing a mug I put in one of those 1 yen coffee pouches of coffee.  They taste like shit but hey, it has caffeine and that is what I want more than anything in this life, I sit and wait for everybody to get up, After a few mins everybody is in the kitchen   They give me a nice smile and says good morning. after a few moments, we are off.

We start walking towards the mountain, The sun has not risen, I look at my clock and Silently hope we have enough time. It’s dark, there’s no one around. Like a  shitty zombie movie. I feel like a few 100 zombies will come out and try to kill us. But after a few mins, we make to the base of the mountain. We start going up.

we are chatting and thinking about how beautiful it will be once we make it to the top of a mountain. I look at the time and realize we only have 20-30 minutes to get to the top. So we start going a little quicker. I am getting a little bit sorer and a lot more sweaty. eventually makes it to the top of the mountain.

Something I did not notice is it’s foggy, or smoggy it is hard to tell in China. So sadly it is not as not as picturesque as I thought it would be, but that is ok. I take in a breath and I take in my surroundings.  After a few mins, I Realize it’s not just us there. A gentleman that carried a Chinese flag up the mountain is doing what looks like a communism callisthenics. He is waving around the flag doing marches and singing while listening to old communist songs. We all laughed and take in the oddness of what is happening. We go up and ask to take photos with him and to tell him that he’s awesome. He takes photos with us and high fives us eventually he moves on to other mountain, tops I think.

By this time the sun starts rising, We are standing together seeing the sky become more and bright just like adjusting the ISO of the sky. We are enjoying the view of the beautiful city with a beautiful sunrise. What a combination just like chocolate and peanut butter. Life can not get any better, or so I thought. Nova wraps her arms around me I follow suit, she smiles and looks me in the eyes and then we kiss. It’s not a long kiss, but it’s nice. One that I will remember forever. It’s beautiful. And for the briefest of moments, I forget where I am. Then she gently pulls away. We look at one another and at that moment I feel breathless.

What a beautiful moment with was such a beautiful woman.

Photo Essay.
Passed posts.
Hello what is on your bucket list?
My name is Dane, I’ve been travelling the world for roughly 7 years now, learning to cook delicious food and crossing things off my bucket list. But my all-time favorite thing to do is to volunteer and help people. Follow me on my journey around the world crossing off my bucket list and Helping People along the way.😊❤😜 
If you want to see another awesome blog my fiancé does a blog called Nomads notebooks she’s an awesome and better writer than I will ever be. She’s also a really cool person. I would love for you to give her like a subscribe and read her writings thank you so much for supporting someone I love 
I love you all.