Japan, Travel,
233.✓Japan–See the Itsukushima Shrine.
By Dane Garner and Edited by Rachel
Why is this on my list.

233.✓Japan–See the Itsukushima Shrine.

In life it is hard to find a true story that captures your hart, or in this case a whole worlds hart.

The story of this dog is a hart braking one. But it is a show of devotion and love that I think we can all get behind. That is why this is on my bucket list.

The story.

You know that one episode of Futurama where fry had a dog that was his best friend and would follow him to work every day. Then he got frozen but the dog was waiting day after day for him till the dog passed away. 

( look up Jurassic Bark Futurama episode (season 5, episode 2) )

Ya I do

And I did cry like a little baby, not that sexy crying where it is one drop as falling of the cheek as you look off into the sea. I was ugly crying. Dry heaves and snot lol it was not nice. 

That story happened

The dog named Hachikō and there is a memorial of him in Tokyo.

The story of him is one of love and loyalty.

I will not tell you my story I will try and tell him. Just like a caveman trying to paint a Norman Rockwell painting with a finger.

I will butcher it but I will try that is all you can do in life.

Ps, I got a few shots of me next to his memorial and I got to kiss his paw.

Ok here we go I will try and not cry.

It is 6 pm and a kind old professor that worked in the agriculture department in the University of Tokyo is going home from the subway just like 1000 before him and 1000 after but he has something different about him he is meeting with an old friend.

No, it is not a drinking buddy, or a passed lover turn to a friend. It was his pet dog

A cute Akita. With golden fluffy fur and one ear that drooped. 

And they walked back home and this was what they did day in and day out till one day the kind old man died at work.

(god I am not crying you are)

And just like the badass dog he was he waited and waited.

Braving the cold rain and people hitting him for


That is loyalty.

But after 6 years the people of Japan started to understand why he was waiting. So they fell in love with him. The story got out and the whole world fell in love with him. Over time the people of Tokyo starting to feed him and take care of him. But just like all  Disney movies the cute animal dies. But he will live on forever in our hearts and mind.

I feel lucky just to have a chance to kiss the paw of Hachikō If I am 1% as kind and loyal as this dog I would be proud.

Now to lighten the mood a bit here is a cute joke.

What do you call a cow with no lags?

Ground beef.


Thank you for reading this and all of my post I love you all so much.


How to cross it off

1.go to Shibuya Crossing it is a 5 min walk.

2. do everything on the how-to for Shibuya Crossing.

3. Find the Hachikō statue 

4. Take a photo next to it.

5. Understand no person on this planet will love you more than that dog loved his master.( lol I did this one.)


7.cry more

8. Cry just a bit more.

9.live your life knowing there is a true beauty.

Photo Essay.
Passed posts.
Hello what is on your bucket list?
My name is Dane, I’ve been travelling the world for roughly 7 years now, learning to cook delicious food and crossing things off my bucket list. But my all-time favorite thing to do is to volunteer and help people. Follow me on my journey around the world crossing off my bucket list and Helping People along the way.😊❤😜 
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I love you all.