Gastronomy, Travel,U.S.A
261.✓Go to Dick’s Last Resort Bar in myrtle beach.
By Dane Garner and Edited by Rachel
Why is this on my list.

261.✓Go to Dick’s Last Resort Bar in myrtle beach.

Yeah I’m a little bit of a sadomasochist so when I think about going to a restaurant where they throw stuff at you. And yell at you, first thing I think isn’t wow that’s really shitty.

It’s why that sounds amazing.  That’s why Dick’s last resort is on my bucket list, because that just sounds like a hoot and holler

The story.

America fuck yeah……

Me and my x are in America on a road trip. With her family. It is such a fun time.

Destination Myrtle Beach.

After two days in a hot car, sweeting my balls off. From Montréal to south Carolina. We all  eventually make it to Myrtle Beach. That itself is worth the post but that is for another day, lets just say the drive was fun and interesting.

When I say interesting I mean tobacco Fields with a little bit of Christianity sprinkled in just for good measure.

Needless to say it was an interesting trip and Eventually we make it

The first few days we spent in Myrtle Beach we chill, We just sat on the beach and enjoyed ourselves. But I myself am not one to do that.

With my ADHD and all

I need to keep moving, keep doing something. I know that it’s on my bucket list to go to a restaurant called Dick’s last resort.  It was one of the first things I was on my bucket list I always  thought the idea of a restaurant where the waitresses and waiters actually got to do what they want to do.

(AKA Treat you like shit)

  I find hilarious you don’t have to hide how pissy they are thinking just be pissy.

But my x and her cosine and I pack in to the car and start driving to Dick’s. It is not that far but it is nice to get a drive on such a hot day, where heat stroke is a real possibility. 

Eventually we make it to this huge building, with a neon light saying Dicks on it. We hop out of the car and too are sadness we see that there is a huge line. In my head I cry out.

“line ,shit why is there always a line”

All the fun stuff always has a line.

we  march to the end of the line and wait. I struck up a convo with a nice bouncer in the door after a few mins in line. He is quit e an imposing man he looks to be 300 of pure badass with a pinch of jack ass remarks added just for the hell of it,

I kindly him how long the wait might be.

He tells me about an hour and a half.  To pass the time I start shooting photos of my surroundings.

This is before I knew how to take photos as you can see

(I still don’t really know but I am learning )

Eventually they called are number and then we get shuffled to are seat. But as we where going there around us is madness and crazy people.  The waiters are throwing stuff around and it’s generally just a fun time.

I don’t know what I’m in for or how vanilla our waiter will be but we sit down and wait. There is a feeling of stress like we are waiting for a  old firework to go off after waiting 30 mins after you lit the fuse. 

After  a couple minutes a very tall strong looking man walks up her table and throws down the menus like they where red hot, and adding a few chosen expletives for fun.

Then he grabs a couple handfuls of paper towel throws them in are face.

Then he tells us to hurry the fuck up and order food.

I started laughing my ass off once he left  us to looking at the menu.

After just five minutes the waiter comes up and starts chewing are ass and then he makes the infamous paper hats with a insult write on it for fun

I think mine says, I lost my virginity to cheerio. I think that is honestly the funniest thing. but it eventually after all the joke, we order,

I get a bucket of food  a real bucket of food

“god bless America”

Waiting for food we started hearing other people getting insulted. There is stuff getting thrown  everywhere. eventually are food comes. To say that our waiter gently put on her food down would be a joke.

He literally threw it at us making a loud crash.

he tells us that he hopes we hate are food and storms off. I don’t know why but I find this also fucking hilarious I can’t stop laughing.

But I looked at the food and it looks delicious the barbecue sauce is perfectly cooked and caramelised onto my chicken and my ribs. I have some fries and beans

I think what’s more American than getting yelled that you eating ribs.

Eventually we all finish our meals I shake the hand are waiter he is very gracious and tells us about himself. 

What a night,

  I think to myself as I’m walking out of the restaurant I think to myself how fun it would be to work there make fun of everybody.

Sometimes it’s nice to be knocked down a few pegs just make sure you’re human as the grates Cesar riding his chariot would have surveillant whispering his ear that he is only human.

Thank you so much for my post I hope you enjoyed please comment and add me on Facebook Instagram etc. etc.

I love you all remember to follow your dreams enjoy your bucket list

Photo Essay.
Passed posts.
Hello what is on your bucket list?
My name is Dane, I’ve been travelling the world for roughly 7 years now, learning to cook delicious food and crossing things off my bucket list. But my all-time favorite thing to do is to volunteer and help people. Follow me on my journey around the world crossing off my bucket list and Helping People along the way.😊❤😜 
If you want to see another awesome blog my fiancé does a blog called Nomads notebooks she’s an awesome and better writer than I will ever be. She’s also a really cool person. I would love for you to give her like a subscribe and read her writings thank you so much for supporting someone I love 
I love you all.