167.✓France–Harry’s New York Bar.
By Dane Garner and Edited by Rachel
Why is this on my list.

262.✓Eat a giant gummy bear.

The reason for this ridicules thing to be on my bucket list is simple it is just so funny. Why not have a  5 pound gummy bear you only live once.

The story.
 Leticia and   are walking down the street in myrtle beach, South Carolina
It is too hot. way to how there is a bead of sweat that is running down my back. And I think it is making a B line to my ass crack.
but it is beautiful In an American tourist kind of way. Full of useless trinkets and cheap food. but I forget about that for the moment Leticia and I are on the lookout. for the pass 3h, we have gone from cafe to cafe and shop to shop looking for one thing…
A 5-pound gummy bear. That is right we are looking for the ultimate sugar rush. But so far there is no luck it is as if we are playing the biggest game of Where is Waldo. But cuter and at the end of the day, we get to eat Waldo.
We find another cafe and sit down with a latte chatting about the fact that we can’t find what we are looking for. Although we found some odd thing candy thongs, Flaming Moe drink and a Pac-man game that cost 5 cents so all in all it was not that bad. But I am not swayed, I will find Jimmy (that is what I named my candy bear) after we Finnish are drink we hop up and start our quest back up. But what I did not know is we will be done are quest sooner than later.
we turn a corner and look what we find one of the biggest candy stores I have ever seen it is crazy there is every brand you can think of from the odd to the cool. And there is right in the centre of the whole thing wrapped in a plastic case Jimmy sitting there in all his beauty. By this time I know what I need to do I take you my wallet and go to buy Jimmy he is cheap when you think about it 80$. worth it to make a new friend….. and then eat him lol by this time Leticia is shaking her head.
I can understand I probably look like a loon but hay love is love. The cute till woman puts Jimmy in a bag and hands him to me. I say thank you and we start to go home.
We are back home I crack open the container and I can smell the sugar I lift him up and hug him at this point it understand what the term dead weight means. I laugh and take a big bite of his ear. god, it is good to have odd thing on my bucket list I think to my self.

How to cross it off

1.Look deep in to your self and think if you can handle the responsibility of taking care of your fake candy bear.

2. If it is yes look for a candy store.( do not go to the back alley dealers the bears there are not healthy. your bear.

4. Name your bear then fall in love.

4.Get drunk and eat you baby bear.

Photo Essay.
Passed posts.
Hello what is on your bucket list?
My name is Dane, I’ve been travelling the world for roughly 7 years now, learning to cook delicious food and crossing things off my bucket list. But my all-time favorite thing to do is to volunteer and help people. Follow me on my journey around the world crossing off my bucket list and Helping People along the way.😊❤😜 
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I love you all.