France , gastronomy
346.✓France–Drink champagne in Paris.
By Dane Garner and Edited by Rachel
Why is this on my list.

346.✓France–Drink champagne in Paris.

Champagne in Paris – there’s nothing more French than sipping champagne. Now granted I could be drinking it in the Champagne region but I just want to drink it in Paris because it seems so romantic. The reason it’s on my bucket list is because it such a big part of French culture.

The story.

How can you not love bubbly and to be in such a place where you can have it where it originates from is an amazing thing. It is so simple and to drink it in the city of love and romance, the city that looks like a postcard with every step you take, there is nothing better. In the Treaty of Versaille there is a stipulation that says that only champagne from the region of Champagne in France can be called that. I think that’s hilarious – at least we know they had their priorities straight. 

But it’s the last night we have in Paris for now so me and Rachael go to a random grocery store and buy a cheap bottle of champagne… the predominant word there is cheap, we’re not looking for anything too special because we are backpackers after all, but we agree to get a bottle and we happily walk back to the hostel with it in our hands looking like two kids that got a huge bag of candy. We eventually make it back to our hostel which is what seems like an 18-story building with a single room, and we sneakily hide the bottle in my jacket as we walk down to the kitchen. I happily start to unwrap the tinfoil being careful not to cut my thumb because that sounds like something I would do, and then as I’m twisting the cork there’s a huge crack and for a second I think I got shot – but it was just a misfire of the bubbly. A huge spray of champagne flies everywhere and I start laughing because I’m so startled! Me and Rachael both laugh hoping that the hostel worker did not hear the crack of the cork as we would be in trouble. We fill up our two glasses and start enjoying ourselves.

Now I do pretty well with alcohol and I can drink quite a bit of whiskey and beer but there is something about champagne that gets me drunk real quick, so after I polish off half a bottle I start looking back at the ridiculousness of my life. Rachael is about the same except she always looks calm and okay no matter how much she drinks which I think is hilarious, I mean I just start acting like a dork.

Moral of the story – be careful when opening bottles of champagne and enjoy what you have while you have it. You can never know how long it will be around for. I hope you guys enjoyed the post and I am sending lots of love, see you soon. 

Love Dane

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Hello, my name is Dane welcome To my bucket list. If you had absolute freedom what would you do? on

Hello what is on your bucket list?
My name is Dane, I’ve been travelling the world for roughly 7 years now, learning to cook delicious food and crossing things off my bucket list. But my all-time favorite thing to do is to volunteer and help people. Follow me on my journey around the world crossing off my bucket list and Helping People along the way.😊❤😜 
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