travel, Taiwan
358.✓Taiwan–Go to Kenting national park.
By Dane Garner and Edited by Rachel
Why is this on my list.

358.✓Taiwan–Go to Kenting national park.

the reason this is on my bucket list is that I love hikes and huge packs and this place has them in spades.

The story.

Another day another country but this time it’s a little  bit different it is beautiful Taiwan.Today I am in one of the most southerly parts of this amazing island and I have the sole pleasure of wandering through Kenting National Park.

It is a beautiful, lush and incredibly biodiversity park in Taiwan. It’s one of those places you can just get lost in and enjoy yourself and that’s what I plan to do with my two friends.

But back to real life not my thought process.

We are sitting on a bus wondering what we  are gonna do once we disembark.

Are bus is going up and down the mountains of Taiwan getting closer and closer to our destination the anticipation is growing within me .I’m starting to bounce my knee like that young ADHD I still am at heart.

After about a 30 minute drive we make it but it doesn’t look like it.

It’s just a door with a couple sign saying welcome to come to National Park in Mandarin but I have faith that we where in the right spot.

So we start wandering through eventually we see the famous Eluanbi Lighthouse which I absolutely forgot to take photo of but still wonder at its beauty.

After that we start are hike and the first thing we see is a huge warning about poisonous snakes tI think to myself

“with my luck I am going to get bitten”

But we go on and get lost it is always fun to go off the beaten track, eventually making it to an area where local fishermen fishing off the coast. this is where I take some of my most beautiful photos of not only me But also my friends.

The day started off hot but after awhile it started to cool down more and more. I started rubbing my arms and getting goosebumps but that’s quite normal at this time of year.

After a couple small photo shoots I decide to take a small dip. so I jump into the water.

It’s surprisingly warm and we Start to have fun diving in the water and enjoying ourselves.

Then I realized I had to leave with my friend who’s getting late and we didn’t want to miss the last bus. We quickly ran to the exit and waited for a place on the side of the road but this time it was super hot inside to get a couple cool drinks while waiting.

Once on the bus and started checking on my photos and I realize how lucky I am to be travelling the world. And to learn how to take photos, no

I don’t think I’m very good but through hard work and practice I think I’ll be an OK photographer one day.

I hope you all get a chance to check out Kenting National Park it’s not that hard to get to but I do love you guys and I do wish you the best of luck travelling the world I’ll see you on the next post love Dane

Photo Essay.
Passed posts.
Hello what is on your bucket list?
My name is Dane, I’ve been travelling the world for roughly 7 years now, learning to cook delicious food and crossing things off my bucket list. But my all-time favorite thing to do is to volunteer and help people. Follow me on my journey around the world crossing off my bucket list and Helping People along the way.😊❤😜 
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I love you all.