Travel, Korea
38.✓Korea–Go to the Korean war museum.
By Dane Garner and Edited by Rachel
Why is this on my list.

38.✓Korea–Go to the Korean war museum.

When you think of a bucket list you think of the fun things like going to the Great Wall of China, falling in love, skydiving, but I’ve always thought that it is very important to also have more serious things like to go to concentration camps or places were people fought and died. That’s the reason the Korean war Museum is on my bucket list – to understand how evil humans can be and the sacrifices Canadians have given to help their Korean friends.

The story.

Did you know South Korea is very cold? I did not know this at the time and had to go buy a jacket when I got there! It didn’t work very well as it was just a cheap knockoff jacket for $10 but it kept me warm.

I was wearing this jacket when walking up to the Korean War Museum. It’s this huge building and right in the centre are all the flags of every single country who fought in the war. In the very centre is Canada next to America, representing just how many soldiers were deployed and died. It was a sad moment, something that is taught in our Canadian school system, but it’s glossed over a lot because of World War I and II.

Entry into the Korean war museum is free which is nice but as  we were walking through I just started to realise how big it is and see their perspective of what happened. From the colonial wars to the wars fought over many years is a big part of it and of course the Korean War. The amount of American military memorabilia there is crazy.

And every single corner we turn in this great grand labyrinth of a museum we see schoolchildren dressed in their beautiful uniforms, walking around learning the history of their own country. I think it’s beautiful – it’s good to know your history. I keep trying to learn more and more of Canadian history – where we have fought, what happened and what we are famous for.

I think that it is an important experience for everybody to have.

I saw a lot of interesting stuff in that museum – from Kim Jong Un’s limo to a B-52 bomber and a bunch of different tanks and guns, even a flamethrower; a lot of really interesting stuff…all things to bring mayhem, destruction and devastation to different people. I wanted to see them as I think it’s all really cool but then it hit me that this stuff kills people. I gained a different perspective when I saw that stuff through a darker lens.

But like I said I think it’s important to see that stuff as it gives you perspective on what it takes to win a war. The people who die each have their own story and how much they had to give up to give other people freedom – it’s beautiful in a very sad way. It’s bittersweet when you go to a place like the Korean War Museum.

I think it’s important that everybody goes if they get the chance as it gives you different perspective.

Thank you for reading the posts I hope you enjoyed it and I hope you get the chance to go to the Korean war Museum, it’s an interesting and thought-provoking day.


I’ll see on the next post!

Love dane

Photo Essay.
Passed posts.

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Hello what is on your bucket list?
My name is Dane, I’ve been travelling the world for roughly 7 years now, learning to cook delicious food and crossing things off my bucket list. But my all-time favorite thing to do is to volunteer and help people. Follow me on my journey around the world crossing off my bucket list and Helping People along the way.😊❤😜 
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