Travel, Hong kong
381.Hong Kong-Kiss Bruce Lee.
By Dane Garner and Edited by Rachel
Why is this on my list.

381.Hong Kong-Kiss Bruce Lee.

The reason that this is on my bucket list is Bruce Lee has always been one of my heroes. The slick man in yellow. His strength Dexterity and history will live on forever.

He is one of my heroes and when I find out that there was a statue of Bruce Lee in Hong Kong I thought it is cool to be able to kiss and just like kissing the ring of a godfather. But way more badass.


The story.

Its night time in Hong Kong.

  That is when the city truly comes alive.

I’m walking on the famous boardwalk, to my left a huge metropolis city filled with people living there life not knowing that I am looking out on there the same way David Attenborough looks at a pride of lions chasing a group of zebras over the savant of Africa. With a sense of curiosity knowing that everyone I pass has a beautiful story to tell.


The city has so many lights and they are so bright, it’s as if the stars of our galaxy got bored and came down to say hello to this little city called Hong Kong.

I’m wondering this true city of light for any reason. But today I am looking to kiss and touch the Bruce Lee statue on the walk of fame in Hong Kong. think about the Hollywood walk of fame but with Famous Asian actors and actresses and singers. And less homeless dressed like Spiderman.

It’s pretty easy to find the signage is quite easy to read and people are incredibly friendly. So I was in no rush I was passing a bar and thought why not have a beer. So I drop in and have a nice cool Tsingtao. I take in the sounds and the sights of the city the bar is right on the water’s edge. If I had a few more beers I would have tried to jump in but that is not for today.

After the beer, I stumble out of the bar looking for trouble just like a group of little kids in a 90 movie.


  After a few mins of walking, I make it to the walk of fame, it’s right next to the river. I can hear the water gently lapping on the Edge of the boardwalk. When you get to the walk of fame the first thing you see is all of these things that pop out of the ground like concrete flowers, on closer inspection I found out that they are handprints of famous people. It was cool I was putting my hand in all of them to see how I stack up ( You know what they say about having big hands)

I laugh I put my hands in Jackie Chan’s hands and realizes his hands are smaller Then mine I don’t know why but that makes me laugh, eventually I make it to the Bruce Lee statue it’s beautiful. The backdrop of the statues the whole city

And there he is one of my heroes Bruce Lee in his famous pose. He looks like he is about to kick some ass.

I look around to see if there is a cop And instead I find two beautiful Swedish women. we strike up a conversation and I ask kindly if they can take a photo of me they smile and they agree. I gave my camera,

I don’t think they expected what happens next I hopped up and gave Bruce Lee a kiss. The one woman took a couple of photos while laughing. I jump down looked at the photos.

They are beautiful. I teller about the story about how I’ve always love Bruce Lee and his badass ways.

Eventually, I tell them I have to go, we smile, hug and we part ways. A beautiful day and a beautiful thing to cross off my bucket list


How to cross it off

  1. Find statue.
  2. Kiss bruce lee. 
  3. Take pic. 
  4. Love that photo. 
Photo Essay.
Passed posts.
Hello what is on your bucket list?
My name is Dane, I’ve been travelling the world for roughly 7 years now, learning to cook delicious food and crossing things off my bucket list. But my all-time favorite thing to do is to volunteer and help people. Follow me on my journey around the world crossing off my bucket list and Helping People along the way.😊❤😜 
If you want to see another awesome blog my fiancé does a blog called Nomads notebooks she’s an awesome and better writer than I will ever be. She’s also a really cool person. I would love for you to give her like a subscribe and read her writings thank you so much for supporting someone I love 
I love you all.