Read my last post where I crossed off milk a cow.
It was on my bucket list to drink fresh milk and milk a cow those 2 things are connected in a lot of ways why not try what you help make. Better bet that if i was a whisky maker I would try my one whisky.
Every single morning I wake up at the god awful time of 3 AM. As I walk to the dairy I look up and see the cosmos looking back at me. That was one of the best parts of being at the farm it was the stars, I remember being in Beijing looking up from my window of the apartment that I was living in and hoping, praying, that I can see 3 stars.
But no not here, I love the panorama view of the stars. Walking into the dairy all the lights are off and there is no one there which is odd because once everything is running there are 1000 of cows being milked making noise and shiting. O God lots of shiting. But for now, there is nothing everything is a still as the center of hell. So I open the door to the office and it lets out a horde noise that sounds like a cross between a dying cat and a helium balloon.
Well, that woke me up.
I grab the kettle and fill it with water from the hose. I later found out it was river water which I think is where my special morning coffee gets its flavour. That and the milk. As the water is heating up I look for a mug I find one on the table and see how clean it is, turning the cup over I can see that it is as clean as my mind ( Hint – My mind is the dirtiest thing on this planet) so I wash it in………. you get it the RIVER WATER lol. By this time the kettle is singing the song of my people. So I take my “clean” mug and go to the vat room.
If I was to describe the vat room, it would be the belly of the dairy. and the engine room the heart. In this room, there is a huge tank that can hold I think 450,000 litres of milk. Now to make it easy on you listener I will tell you that 450,000 litres is a Fuck ton lol.
When I get to the vat room I always check everything is good. Then I kneel down and open the main tap to the vat, if I fuck it up I end out spilling out a little milk making a mess. But I stopped crying over spilled milk a long time ago. LOL, I always fill my glass to the brim and drink it down till it is at the level I want it for my coffee. Then I go about my day of long hard work knowing that the milk in my coffee is as local as it gets.