Gastronomy, Mexico
486.✓Mexico-La Ópera.
By Dane Garner and Edited by Rachel

COST-25 $ can -40 $ can

TIME – 1h-2h

CONTRY- Mexico city

Why is this on my list.

The reason La Ópera is on my bucket list is fun it’s very old and beautiful building but also it has a huge connection to the history  Mexico if you look very carefully on the roof, you’ll see that there is what looks like a bullet hole and that bullet hole is a bullet hole but also it’s from the famous Mexican hero, Pancho Villa, so you gotta love it food and history. It’s like it’s me just for me.

The story.

As you walk through the beautiful pack streets of Mexico City, you might come across a place called La Ópera.

And if you have the fortune to walk into this beautiful, 19th century Trianon bar you’ll notice the beautiful, dark wood, patina and busy atmosphere. It’s an absolutely amazing place to walk into. It is if walking into a time capsule of a bygone era, and as I was lucky enough to do such things, I noticed the well dressed server’s and the bartenders making beautiful drinks.

Now I only knew about this place in the history so the second I walk in the first thing I did was sit down, order a cold beer and look straight up, helping to find the famous hole from Pancho Villa, and I didn’t take to long. You can see it on the roof to the left of the main column a little hole and as you look at that bullet hole, it makes you think not only of the history of Mexico City but also what the hell pissed this guy off to cause him to shoot a bullet in the roof that is exactly what I was doing.

I’m sitting down enjoying a cold beer and absolutely delicious meal and I really do hope that you also get a chance to do the same thing. It’s well worth the trip to Mexico City, but so is a lot of things so I understand if you don’t get the chance.

Photo Essay.
Hello what is on your bucket list?
My name is Dane, I’ve been travelling the world for roughly 7 years now, learning to cook delicious food and crossing things off my bucket list. But my all-time favorite thing to do is to volunteer and help people. Follow me on my journey around the world crossing off my bucket list and Helping People along the way.😊❤😜 
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I love you all.