Travel, Hong Kong
5.✓Hong Kong–See the city at night.
By Dane Garner and Edited by Rachel
Why is this on my list.

5.✓Hong Kong–See the city at night.

The city that never sleeps you hear that a lot but in Hong Kong I completely think it’s true accident city that truly lives 24 seven reason this is on my bucket list is just because Hong Kong is such a beautiful city at night a grungy kind of beautiful

The story.

Oh Hong Kong with its beautiful neon and LED lights shining so bright I fell in love with it almost instantly

Remember all the times sidewalk Street to street I’ll throughout tonight just seeing people in their lives getting drunk making delicious food eating delicious food it’s a noisy rambunctious in my place but it’s safe it’s awesome say there’s been so many times where I just got lost enjoy myself looking at the huge skyscrapers like pillars of human success up like a huge torch trying to make you forget that it’s night

And then there’s the lonely street food Fender makes delicious cheap food for whoever wants it it’s a drug addiction we can have some most beautiful and delicious food you can think of

There I am wondering around looking at everything remember there is one time I was wondering around his me a judgment from Palestine a woman from Québec and the guy from Britain just wondering around eating and drinking progress and getting drunk or drunk or telling stories and laughing as you do like traveler and then we hitch what would be about Central Park Hong Kong have one Beautiful park closed off from the city all of a sudden I was so quiet

Well just sat down drink beers without the 711 chatting and then the British gentleman please hand down his pants and start laughing what the fuck are you doing Brad and then he pulled out of joint now that’s when those moments where you have to think should our should I not we are in slightly a communist country release that’s what I thought when I was young forgot about it as he lit up and started smoking he passed me the joint I passed the Québec girl that’s going passed it around as you do and we got high in the middle of Central Park in Hong Kong what a beautiful beautiful experience

As well as experiences you’ll always remember I still to this day remember laying down on the grass after we all smoke and just hearing the city and how it was like it wasn’t there on the slightest sound of a car honk often the distance is beautiful

Hong Kong this is your beautiful city hope you all get a chance to go I love you always i’ll see you next post

Photo Essay.
Passed posts.

Hello, my name is Dane welcome To my bucket list. If you had absolute freedom what would you do? on
Hello, my name is Dane welcome To my bucket list. If you had absolute freedom what would you do? on
Hello, my name is Dane welcome To my bucket list. If you had absolute freedom what would you do? on

Hello what is on your bucket list?
My name is Dane, I’ve been travelling the world for roughly 7 years now, learning to cook delicious food and crossing things off my bucket list. But my all-time favorite thing to do is to volunteer and help people. Follow me on my journey around the world crossing off my bucket list and Helping People along the way.😊❤😜 
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I love you all.