578.✓United Kingdom–Explore  the city of Bath.
By Dane Garner and Edited by Rachel
Why is this on my list.

Bath is an amazing city that offers an unforgettable experience. While exploring its rich history and vibrant culture, I had the pleasure of capturing some truly stunning moments on video and photography. However, I recently suffered a hard drive crash and lost many of these cherished memories. Despite this setback, I can attest to Bath’s historical significance and undeniable charm. Even though the aroma at the famous Roman Baths may not have been the most pleasant, the experience was simply breathtaking. It was during this trip that I received the exciting news that Rachel would be joining me on my journey to Canada, which was an incredibly romantic moment that only seemed to enhance the already vibrant atmosphere of this beautiful city. I highly recommend visiting Bath to anyone looking to immerse themselves in a truly unique and unforgettable experience.

Photo Essay.
Passed posts.
Hello what is on your bucket list?
My name is Dane, I’ve been travelling the world for roughly 7 years now, learning to cook delicious food and crossing things off my bucket list. But my all-time favorite thing to do is to volunteer and help people. Follow me on my journey around the world crossing off my bucket list and Helping People along the way.😊❤😜 
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