travel, Uk
592.✓UK–Take a photo on Platform 9 3/4.
By Dane Garner and Edited by Rachel
Why is this on my list.

592.✓UK–Take a photo on Platform 9 3/4.

This is my most iconic part of Harry Potter it is what starts off the magical experience. it’s always been a part of my life to go into that magical experience as in study at Hogwarts try Quidditch follow up with Hermione Granger. Sadly none of those happen but I could go to 9 3/4 and take some fun photos.


The story.


Rachel and I just like many millions and millions of other kids around the world fell in love with and grew up with harry potter. I can still to this day remember the magic I felt and Hager kick down the door of the house with the Dursley’s were hiding.

Now I by no means condone breaking in and stealing a kid, but I do love the idea of a magical world that you can be dropped into. I’m not lying I sometimes even to this day wish that I could Hogwarts acceptance letter. I don’t think that it Will ever come but that doesn’t mean that to this day I don’t get a tear in my eye whenever I see Hedwig die. 

I’m not crying you’re crying!!!!!!!

Anyways for me, one of the most pinnacle moments of Harry Potter is when Harry is walking trying to look for platform 9 3/4 and he hears the Weasley’s for the first time. It makes me giggle and laugh to this day thinking about it and lo and behold I randomly got the luck of dating a British woman. (that I love) she lives in London like actually London so not only me but she as well love Harry Potter. 

So we decide to go out on a date and take Photos at platform 9 3/4. We just had to get there early just in case there are a couple people taking pics. So we try to be ready and there early and see what we can find. and what trouble we can get ourselves into. 

After about 30 minutes on a train, Rachel and I walk out at Kings Cross what are the biggest and most complicated train stations in the world or at least in my eyes. People walking to and fro in business suits and beautiful dresses homeless people asking for a hot cup of tea. A general sense of rush.

Thank God me and Rachel were not in one because as were walking through Kings Cross we see a huge group of people standing in front of a wall. this must be out I said to myself and sadly it was.

 We stood there at the end of the line looking beleaguered. Rachel tells me that it was never like this when she last went a couple years ago she told me that it was just there and you could do whatever you want. But now a line and people are taking professional photos.

 I guess if you can make money from something you might as well do it. but I’m Kinda sad about that. hey, I can’t knock them trying to make some money for me something that I want to always do. 

I would willingly pay a couple bucks to do it but now I and Rachel are just waiting in line 30 minutes pass that’s right 30 minutes of us just standing and waiting.

 eventually, we start chatting with the people around us we make friends with this nice woman from Argentina and she asked us if we could take photos of her. We ask her to do the same she says yes. and I teach her how to use my DSLR.

 I tell her to just hold it and take the photo of what happens she smiles and nods after a few minutes of chatting Rachel notices that the girls pregnant and she says that would be a cool photo to point the wand on her stomach pretending that she put the baby in her self all three of us start giggling like schoolgirls.

The time passes quite quickly after we start chatting with this girl eventually were at the front of the line me and Rachel go first to take a couple nice photos of her we switch places and she takes a couple nice photos of us everybody’s been for us and then I give my camera to the Argentinian girl and tell her to start taking photos.

I took a couple steps back and ran up to the wall I jumped up and went directly to the wall-banging my head hard. 

Everybody laughs at the photo even the two people that are taking the professional photos. I almost fall but I quickly catch myself with my feet Rachel and I laugh but then we realize we have to take the photo of the other person I quickly take her phone she does all the traditional photos Rachel yells out to point the wand to your belly she does and we take photos.

 We walk away making sure everybody can have their turn smiling and laughing we both look at the photos we all took. and we will start laughing hers are so beautiful are photos are funny exactly what I wanted now just so Hogwarts can make a little bit of extra money for the groundskeeper.

Photo Essay.
Passed posts.
Hello what is on your bucket list?
My name is Dane, I’ve been travelling the world for roughly 7 years now, learning to cook delicious food and crossing things off my bucket list. But my all-time favorite thing to do is to volunteer and help people. Follow me on my journey around the world crossing off my bucket list and Helping People along the way.😊❤😜 
If you want to see another awesome blog my fiancé does a blog called Nomads notebooks she’s an awesome and better writer than I will ever be. She’s also a really cool person. I would love for you to give her like a subscribe and read her writings thank you so much for supporting someone I love 
I love you all.