6.✓Australia–Walk AC/DC Lane.
By Dane Garner and Edited by Rachel
Why is this on my list.

6.✓Australia–Walk AC/DC Lane.

Dirty deeds done dirt cheap that’s all I was thinking about when I was walking through AC/DC laneway threes and this is on my bucket list is because as I said annoying times public art is such a big thing for me in Melbourne is full of it want to most iconic alleys is AC/DC laneway

The story.

It’s mid day in the middle of the bustling city if you squint your eyes it feels and he said in Europe North America or even Asian but it’s not there’s one special thing about this city that makes it stand apart and it’s the graffiti

It’s everywhere it’s as if this city is in The pockets of big spray paint as he walked through the alleyways in the streets you casually see people spray painting beautiful artistic meals no you may be saying

“Dane where do I see all these beautiful murals with answer that is it’s in Melbourne silly”

The most iconic one is definitely AC/DC anyway homage to hard rock as a walk-through this huge alleyway you see lots of people taking Sophie’s laughing chatting and just generally enjoying life that’s exactly what I was doing I was alone will traveling throughout this and I find that it’s different when you’ve trouble with someone and when you travel without Tamara Sabri experience comes giving us beautiful place but if your loan the only shame that memory with yourself

Just got a bad thing it’s just different.

So to entertain myself I decided to ask people to take me to take photos of them everybody would love a photo with her friend but sometimes it’s difficult to bring up the courage so I just wonder around asking pedal board they want photos Nice take up conversation with a cute couple from England end out chatting for 20 or 30 minutes that’s a beautiful thing about travel if you have the courage to say hello to people making friends. That’s the beauty of it

But after a while they had to leave and I went about my ways well hey taking hundreds of thousands of photos of Melbourne it’s a beautiful city photos in one day I hope to bring my lover just to do photo shoots in Melbourne it be so romantic

But as I walk through AC/DC laneway I notice that there is one specific you’re all that I love it Is in the back on one of the big walls and it is I’m euro of the lead singer saying that he started playing and just wants to go to heaven I don’t know I thought it was beautiful

Confined beauty all of the world in Melbourne was no different

Photo Essay.
Passed posts.
Hello what is on your bucket list?
My name is Dane, I’ve been travelling the world for roughly 7 years now, learning to cook delicious food and crossing things off my bucket list. But my all-time favorite thing to do is to volunteer and help people. Follow me on my journey around the world crossing off my bucket list and Helping People along the way.😊❤😜 
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I love you all.