travel, France
701.✓France–Flame of Liberty
By Dane Garner and Edited by Rachel
Why is this on my list.

701.✓France–Flame of Liberty

So, you may be thinking “Oh I know why this is on Dane’s bucket list!” Because it’s a representation of the Statue of Liberty and he really does love it! Yes, that is partially it but also it is an unofficial memorial to Princess Diana, as the tunnel that is underneath this flame was the place where her car crashed.

The story.

Wandering through the streets of Paris lends a lot of feelings to you but it does depend on where you’re from. If you’re British might think about Napoleon, if you’re Canadian you might think about Quebec, and if you’re American you may think about the statue of Liberty. If you aren’t educated on the history of some of the best monuments it may surprise you to see a full-size comparison of the Statue of Liberty’s flame sitting in the shadow of the Eiffel tower. This one was only on my bucket list a couple of months before we actually went to Paris. I was looking at one of my favourite websites – Atlas Obscura – the one-stop shop for oddities and cool things where you can travel to get off the beaten track, when I found that there was a “life size” replica flame from the Statue of Liberty. I thought that was pretty cool and so did Rachael so we decided to go and see it whilst we were there. It was incredibly easy to find as it’s actually right off the banks of the river Seine, within spitting distance from the Eiffel Tower.

Surprisingly speaking it’s beautiful and smaller than I thought it would be, as the Statue of Liberty is huge. I’d like to see actually how big the whole Statue of Liberty is but that’s for another day and another bucket list item. Once me and Rachael found the Flame of Liberty the sun was setting, casting an eerie red glow through the clouds across the whole area. The sun just peaked out in time for us to watch it so I did feel very lucky to be there at that time. The Eiffel Tower was cast in a beautiful orange glow just like the Flames of Liberty. If you squint at it slightly drunk you might actually think that it’s a real flame but me and Rachael walked up to it to take a couple of photos, and we noticed that there was a photo of Princess Diana attached to it. We remember reading about it and I realize that this is an unofficial monument to the Princess. It’s a poetic symbol of two countries coming together as one loses a precious princess that everybody loves. I wasn’t aware of it when it happened but my mom was and she remembered it greatly. She was very sad when she died so it must have meant something if it means a lot to Canadians and British. It is a very sad thing but it is interesting to have it on your bucket list and I’m very happy I got the chance to see it. 

If you guys get a chance please go to the Flame of Liberty, not only to see the beautiful contrast between France and America but also to mourn the loss of a beautiful kind and generous princess.

I do hope you guys fulfill your dreams, I love you and I’ll see you on the next post.

Photo Essay.
Passed posts.
Hello what is on your bucket list?
My name is Dane, I’ve been travelling the world for roughly 7 years now, learning to cook delicious food and crossing things off my bucket list. But my all-time favorite thing to do is to volunteer and help people. Follow me on my journey around the world crossing off my bucket list and Helping People along the way.😊❤😜 
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