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Make your own bucket list
Hello what is on your bucket list?
8.✓Australia– Stand in Coops Shot Tower.
Hello again
I hope all is well, lol
The reason I added the famous Australian Cooper shot tower.
Is as simple as shooting a gun ( sorry for the bad pun)
It is an interesting historical place That is smack dab in the middle of a mall of all places.
I like the contrast
I remember that day very well. It was odd walking past JCPenney’s electronic stores and novelty glasses shops and then all of a sudden coming up to a World War I musket ball factory and within that factory was a DGI store and a leather boots store.
What an odd capitalist country we Live in.
I remember walking up to it a huge tower made out of those old red bricks, you know the ones that show there age like a drop of old men playing dominos in a park.
It was standing like the tall monolith off of 2001 a space Odyssey. quite Beautiful actually I mutter to myself. I just image a bunch of old men and top hats and overalls smoking out of their pipe while they lay bricks. Chatting about that one time they saw a woman ankle.
And interesting idea….
But I did not need to imagine it I go through the boot store and up some creaky wooden stars to see an old age black-and-white photo of just that a bunch of men working hard rubbing the sweat of there brow.
Then just like with ever tourist place there’s a blurb right next to the photo telling you how they made the musket balls.
Here is my rendition.
So what you do is
Don your top hat and finish your cup of tea and pipe. Then you go to the where their melting lead. you pour that hot lead making sure you don’t burn yourself like your friend, 1 foot Billy…
From there you take that lead and transported up to the top of the tower with a system of wooden pulleys and levers.
From there you look out the window on the top of the tower. and wonder why you need to make bullets for a war. you slowly ponder life and what will happen to these bullets and you silently prayed that these bullets will not go to Harm any person.
Then you pour that lead straight down the centre of the tower causing it to turn into balls where they fall and hit a pan of cold-water….
That’s about it you pluck those little balls and put them into a bag and sell them and that’s how you take over the world or least how you start the process.
I wonder what some of the shots for used for maybe for execution, war, hunting and the many other married things that could be classified as horrible.
Or maybe you’re they’re just used to shoot into the sky will dancing next to an oil rig one can only hope.
but here surrounded by the capitalist ways the 21st-century you forgot about that. you forget about those times. Where instead of playing Oregon Trail you would actually cross Oregon Trail. Or instead of going to the store and buying your Musket balls you had to make them.
I go to McDonald’s and quickly order a coffee and then I sit next to the Tower. In this weird mixed of the past and present makes you realize we’re no different from the people back in those days. Because they had better facial hair.
I giggle about that as a take a sip from my I ice coffee looking at the Cooper shot tower when all of a sudden I hear huge ding right behind me the worlds biggest pocket watch starts singing and drops down birds Little birds statues it’s an absolutely beautiful moment. And one but I did not expect.
I Quickly finish my coffee after that beautiful song of that clock going off.
To cross off some more things on my bucket list.
I have spent a lot of time thinking how lucky I am to see this world. With all the minerals beauty and complexities the good and the bad mixed in such a weird way.
Hope you guys enjoy this post there’s many more to come I love you all and please enjoy your life
Love Dane