Give back , China
86.✓Teach English in a Foreign Country.
By Dane Garner and Edited by Rachel
Why is this on my list.

86.✓Teach English in a Foreign Country.

Telephone tier in helping to my passions in life and the ideas to teach use from another country anything from English two even Life skills is incredibly cool that’s why it’s on the bucket list because I love to help

The story.

China… god I love China

I’ve been many things in China for the two and half years I lived there I worked as a cook helped rich families when the most rewarding things I did was I volunteered in underprivileged youth School

It was an amazing experience 

Leojoe  it is a “small” City a couple million

I need to think of the city accept the fact that I can volunteer position there

Volunteering as a teachers assistant helping small children to learn English remember the first thing that happened when I disembarked the train very kind Chinese woman in the scooter beep your horn at me I smiled and waved she was very beautiful and slim she shook my hand the work is the school hello I am volunteer at school she gave a small giggle until me to hop in the back scooter

I think believe lies and we started ripping through the city giving me a small snapshot of the beautiful city that I’ll be blunt after a couple minutes of driving the scooter he eventually made it to the school it was on the top of apartment building three stories below I can already hear the kids giggling 

I can already feel my heart growing eventually we made it to top and it was absolute chaos kids running around enjoying themselves what a huge muscular kind man shook my hand and told me he was the boss at first I was a little worried but then I started to notice it is just incredibly kind and friendly I asked him how it helps you said tomorrow to start but He showed me the classes and told me how things work help the kids behavior given think money that you could exchange toys I thought that this was genius

Rosse Took me to the house that I’ll be living in was absolutely beautiful in between Night market and a beautiful park where I would eventually cross off (have a kiss the take the breath away)

That’s a story for a different Post 

I had a very nice sleep and I woke up very early in excitement help fast for 10 to 15 minutes it’s complete anarchy I’m singing dancing in making a damn fool of myself and a bunch of cute Chinese children that’s exactly what I wanted I’ve make them laugh out high-fives and I taught in English we played cute games 

I remember I was talking to the boss when they need told me if you have any ideas for clowns and I start telling him that when my favorite books as a child was cloudy with a chance of meatballs he smiled and told me that if you want to read it in Front of the class

My smile could not have been any bigger after little bit chat and we decide to actually make it to play we downloaded the book put it on a projector got all the kids in and their parents and we started doing a play where the teacher would read out the book and I would make stupid gestures making the kids laugh after about 1015 minutes all like it started copying us got a teaching different words like rain an apple etc.

It was so cute that parents were laughing we were laughing the kids were laughing that was one of the happier moments of my life it didn’t have anything to do with money jealousy Love your sex is just me making a bunch of cute kids nuts what you get when you volunteer in a place like that you realize that happiness doesn’t necessarily mean all the expensive stuff it could mean pretending as if you’re a meatball flying through the sky and making couple kids laugh because of it 

Photo Essay.
Passed posts.
Hello what is on your bucket list?
My name is Dane, I’ve been travelling the world for roughly 7 years now, learning to cook delicious food and crossing things off my bucket list. But my all-time favorite thing to do is to volunteer and help people. Follow me on my journey around the world crossing off my bucket list and Helping People along the way.😊❤😜 
If you want to see another awesome blog my fiancé does a blog called Nomads notebooks she’s an awesome and better writer than I will ever be. She’s also a really cool person. I would love for you to give her like a subscribe and read her writings thank you so much for supporting someone I love 
I love you all.