167.✓France–Harry’s New York Bar.
By Dane Garner and Edited by Rachel
Why is this on my list.

33.✓​Australia–Stand on Wedding Cake Rock.

Geological formations are always interesting, you can even say I get hard for geological formations. See what I did there… The reason this is on my bucket list is it’s a beautiful hike to a cliff wall that looks like a wedding cake, it’s cool.

The story.

Oh what a world, why is Australia so cool I keep thinking that as I it on the boat going to a small coastal town. It’s beautiful, the seagulls are flying past me and one of them even sat on the boat next to me, he eventually flew away to be replaced by two incredibly kind gentlemen, we started chatting and I asked them what they’re doing. They said they were climbing wedding cake rock, I laugh and say I’m doing the same! I have my camera with me and I told them that I could take some photos of them to which they politely agree, and we go off on our way. The boat bumps into the harbour and we hop off hoping to get the last boat back of the day.

We start walking through the town following the arrows to go towards the hike and eventually it leads us into the treeline, we were briefly getting glimpses of the coast. It’s so beautiful as we stand on pearl white sandstone and look down on hundred foot cliffs as the ocean crashes upon the coast bringing a slight shiver to my spine. I realise that the term “call of the void” is a real thing it’s cool but I’m not there to jump off a cliff, I’m there to hike. Eventually after a long, hot and heavy hike we make it to wedding cake rock, sadly there’s a huge fence line running across it because a couple of people have fallen to their deaths here, I think to myself that’s a crazy way to die so I choose not to hop the fence. Instead I want to make it look like I’m eating a cake so the two gentlemen take photos of me which was very kind and we all make jokes as we walked back. They start playing music as we eventually make it to a beautiful even more cool area of the hike where huge perfectly square rocks have fallen off of the cliff, it looks as if somebody left the pile there. I think oh that’s beautiful, but me and my friends quickly look and realise we’re almost gonna miss the last boat so we start quickly walking our way back.

We make it in the nick of time as the boat pulls up. There are young kids trying to catch fish and as we watch one of them pulls out of crab. We laugh as they don’t know what to do with that and eventually we get back on the boat. We trade contact information and we all relax as we float back to the mainland, it was a beautiful hike with beautiful new friends and I would do it again anytime.

Photo Essay.
Passed posts.

Hello, my name is Dane welcome To my bucket list. If you had absolute freedom what would you do? on
Hello, my name is Dane welcome To my bucket list. If you had absolute freedom what would you do? on
Hello, my name is Dane welcome To my bucket list. If you had absolute freedom what would you do? on

Hello what is on your bucket list?
My name is Dane, I’ve been travelling the world for roughly 7 years now, learning to cook delicious food and crossing things off my bucket list. But my all-time favorite thing to do is to volunteer and help people. Follow me on my journey around the world crossing off my bucket list and Helping People along the way.😊❤😜 
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I love you all.