157✓France–Lion of The Botanical Gardens.
By Dane Garner and Edited by Rachel
Why is this on my list.

The Lion of The Botanical Gardens.

You know sometimes when I post I feel like a broken record. I do truly love public art and this one is surprisingly interesting to stare at – a statue of a giant lion smelling a foot of a human. It’s kind of ominous but also quite beautiful, and can be found in one of the most beautiful parks in the world; the botanical garden of Paris, where people young and old alike wander around it. It just seems so Parisian; how can you not love it.

The story.

Here’s a small, fun activity you can do to entertain yourself – before you go to a park, find out if there’s a random statue and don’t find out where it is in the park. Just wander around like it’s a big game of “I Spy”. It’s a lot of fun and that’s exactly what me and Rachael were doing as we aimlessly wandered around, watching people live their lives just before a huge pandemic slammed down upon the country. It was really interesting to see the old people drinking coffee, sitting on a bench chatting, and groups of people running around getting exercise.

I miss seeing friends and travelling with Rachael but I know it will happen again. In this moment I’m wandering around the park hand-in-hand with Rachael, looking for a lion eating a human. We find a little bit of luck with a man stabbing a bear – yes, you heard me right, and it’s actually a very beautiful metal statue.

You can see the claws raking in to the man’s back as the bear roars in pain. We are walking through, laughing and seeing all the interesting flower sculptures, and doing one of the most fun things you can do on a date – people watching and making up stories. Eventually we started realizing that after about 45 minutes of wandering around we couldn’t find the statue, so I start asking around in my broken French. I got a couple of questioning faces, a lot more people laughing and eventually a kind old woman told me that it’s towards the main gate that we walked past. Of course, just my luck that we have already walked past it.

Eventually we find our way back to the main gate, and instead of turning left we turn right and there in front of us is a huge copper statue of a lion. For half a second, I just saw what looked like a beautiful lion sniffing the ground, but upon closer inspection realised he was sniffing the severed foot of a person. It is quite striking once you see it. It’s one of those statues that when you look at it, it leads to more questions than answers. Where did this foot come from? Who was this man? Does he want his foot back? We sit on the bench across from the fountain upon which he is perched, and we started thinking about how cool it is. I love looking at statues that make you question the world around you.

It’s very beautiful. If the world was ending and this place was forgotten it would actually be quite scary to be walking through at night to see his great lion peering down from above you. But hey, thank God nothing weird is happening right in the world, right? Thank you for reading this post and I hope you guys enjoy it.

I love you and I’ll see you in the next post.

Photo Essay.
Passed posts.
Hello what is on your bucket list?
My name is Dane, I’ve been travelling the world for roughly 7 years now, learning to cook delicious food and crossing things off my bucket list. But my all-time favorite thing to do is to volunteer and help people. Follow me on my journey around the world crossing off my bucket list and Helping People along the way.😊❤😜 
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