193.☆Be lover back.

157.✓Be lover back.​

Love 157.✓Be lover back.​ By Dane Garner and Edited by Rachel Intro Why is this on my list. 157.✓Be lover back.​ I think that is one of the things that is on everyones bucket list. the story is long…. but the shot story is I love Rachel with all my hart  The story. This story […]

2.✓Go to Disney land with my love.

192.✓Japan–Go to Tokyo Disneyland.

love, Japan 2.✓Go to Disney land with my love. By Dane Garner and Edited by Rachel Intro Why is this on my list. 2.✓Go to Disney land with my love. I am a hopeless romantic so the reason this is on my bucket list is because, well I am a hopeless romantic. The story. Me […]

11.✓Get a love letter.

11.✓Get a love letter.

love, relationship 11.✓Get a love letter. By Dane Garner and Edited by Rachel Intro Why is this on my list. 11.✓Get a love letter. It is always good to feel loved and I find that’s keeping your old love letters is one of those things that really makes you remember the person that you fell […]

25.✓Korea–Go to a love hotel.

Korea, Travel 25.✓Korea–Go to a love hotel. By Dane Garner and Edited by Rachel Intro Why is this on my list. 25.✓Korea–Go to a love hotel. It’s funny how in different cultures they look at sex differently, I love artistic rendition of some of the places they can be quite funny like one of them […]

187.✓Feel breathless after a kiss.

187.✓Feel breathless after a kiss.

love 187.✓Feel breathless after a kiss. By Dane Garner and Edited by Rachel Intro Why is this on my list. I Found this one quite difficult to write about, the feelings that I have connected to this memory is very precious to me. I keep that memory locked away very close to my heart because […]