Australia, Travel,Entertainment and Attraction.
9.✓See a Banksy mural.
By Dane Garner and Edited by Rachel
Why is this on my list.

9.✓See a Banksy mural.

The reason that this is on my grand list is simple – I love his art, it is so thought-provoking and in a lot of ways dark too.

The story.
It’s early in the morning and I’m walking through the winding streets of Melbourne where every single corner is either a beautiful piece of art, a trendy bar or a church with huge columns climbing up into the air as if they’re trying to reach God himself.
I just had my second coffee in a beautiful cafe, this time a cappuccino. Did you know that cappuccino was named after the cappucin monks because it matches the colour of their robes. I’ve always thought that was beautiful as I’m sitting in the cafe pondering and wondering what I should do. I take my last couple sips of coffee whilst looking around, seeing people on their laptops hopefully writing beautiful pieces please and not manifestoes. From there I stood up and said goodbye to the amazing barista that has more tattoos on him than Egypt have hieroglyphs, to me it’s all Greek. I walk out on to the street and start wandering around.
I’m close to Central Station which is a huge goliath of a building spanning a couple of blocks, it’s one of the main hubs of the Australian railway system. There’s people from all around the world walking in and out of it, it reminds me of how complicated this world can be. From there walking through the subway station and around it I eventually start to feel a little peckish so I decide to go get some Vietnamese food.
Surprisingly the sun is out and it’s starting to get more beautiful so I sit down to eat some pho in a Vietnamese restaurant. The waitress smiles at me just like waiters do to try and make you feel welcome, I don’t know if her heart is still in it which matters. I sit down and wait patiently, writing my To Do schedule trying to figure out what I can cross off my bucket list, from there I get lost in my thoughts about how beautiful Australia is and how lucky I am to be travelling the world. The nice woman places the bowl of warm soup in front of me probably getting me out of my thought process. I smile and tell her thank you as she walked away.
My eye catches the television and an old Vietnamese soap opera is playing. I start laughing at the comically dramatic faces they pull and I was wondering what the storyline was but I go back to my soup; it’s warm and I can feel the steam passing over my face. I think about how it would look as if it was a film… You are seen the smoke billowing over me as I tell the person across from me that I will make an offer they can’t refuse but instead of that I just quickly add some Sriracha sauce and I dig in – It’s beautiful, the taste is amazing with its meaty sweetness and slight kick in sourness from the lime. It’s a beautiful meal I and I start eating quicker and quicker not realising how hungry I was! I love catching small strips of meat throughout the broth and eating them they’re so delicious, the rare tender beef falls apart in my mouth but just like everything in life it has to end. After my meal I stand up and wave goodbye to the beautiful woman she smiles and said she hopes that I have a good day – not knowing that just talking to her and meeting new people made it so good! After while I start wandering through the sidestreets and alleys taking photos of people and beautiful things. Along one alley I get lost in my thoughts and I start looking around. I am captured by a spray-painted rendition of a photo from Nacchio of that beautiful woman with blue eyes from the Middle East, so I take a couple of photos and look at it thinking about all the expressions that can be shown just through pain. I spin around and look at the other wall and there I see something I didn’t expect to see – a Bansky art.
It surprises me to see it and I didn’t quite believe that it was but I remember that is on my bucket list so I take some photos, excitingly thinking that I might accidentally cross something off my bucket list. It wouldn’t be the first time as that’s what happened with the Picasso. I excitedly run home to check if it’s a true Bansky. I sat on my shitty hostel bed and opened my laptop, turns out it is actually a real one! I get excited as I actually unexpectededly crossed something off my bucket list. I finally got to see an art piece from a true man of mystery, nobody knows who he is. Over the course of my time in Melbourne I actually stop off and see that painting a few times, only in a place like Melbourne you would walk through the street and randomly see a piece of art worth with hundreds of thousands of dollars.
I excitedly look at it again realising just how beautiful it is. And then I go about my business and enjoy myself and the realisation that travelling was the right choice for me because not every day can you see something like that in such an interesting place! I go out to another random cafe and have another beautiful amazing coffee in the hopes that I can randomly cross off a couple other things – we can only hope!
Photo Essay.
Passed posts.

Hello, my name is Dane welcome To my bucket list. If you had absolute freedom what would you do? on
Hello, my name is Dane welcome To my bucket list. If you had absolute freedom what would you do? on
Hello, my name is Dane welcome To my bucket list. If you had absolute freedom what would you do? on

Hello what is on your bucket list?
My name is Dane, I’ve been travelling the world for roughly 7 years now, learning to cook delicious food and crossing things off my bucket list. But my all-time favorite thing to do is to volunteer and help people. Follow me on my journey around the world crossing off my bucket list and Helping People along the way.😊❤😜 
If you want to see another awesome blog my fiancé does a blog called Nomads notebooks she’s an awesome and better writer than I will ever be. She’s also a really cool person. I would love for you to give her like a subscribe and read her writings thank you so much for supporting someone I love 
I love you all.