162.✓Go kayaking with the one I love.

196.✓Skate on a frozen pond.

196.✓Skate on a frozen pond.
153.✓Go tour biking.

153.✓Go tour biking.
115.✓Walk on a frozen lake.

256.✓Ride a jet ski.

256.✓Ride a jet ski.
94.✓ Go ice fishing

Sports, Canada 94.✓ Go ice fishing By Dane Garner and Edited by Rachel Intro Why is this on my list. 94.✓ Go ice fishing I have this on my list for many reasons. LOL stuck in a cold box with nothing but a beer and your buds that sound like a plan for me. And […]
1.✓Go indoor skydiving.

sports 1.✓Go indoor skydiving. By Dane Garner and Edited by Rachel Intro Why is this on my list. 1.✓Go indoor skydiving. there is many reasons why this was on my bucket list. I think it is the precursor to trying skydiving. One day I really want throw my body out of a moving plane and […]