I have always been interested in gold ever since I was a little kid. And it is not just me the whole world has fallen for this heavy gold but the odd thing is there is not much use for gold other than some scientific processes to put on your body. but hey, it shiny and we all know how much ADHD kids like shiny things.
Today’s the story is about the day that I went to the Gold mine in jiu-fen. to learn about the history and take some nice photos. But there is a lot to do in this small city it is full of beautiful streets and is said to be one of the settings for a Studio Jubilee movie. But that is for a different post.
And a different day.
Me and my friends are wondering through the small narrow streets where everybody’s busking their wares, we are trying to find a bus. To get to the mine.
The small streets that we are going through have awnings covering the sunlight they cast weird colours and weird shades on me and the ground.
It is loud but in a good way you hear people haggling for stuff that they need and want.
I will say,
it’s pretty touristy. though eventually sliding through and pass people we make it to the main street. We found a huge arrow pointing to a bus station that says in big black letters this way to the gold museum.
After a 10 minute wait we get on the bus,
and after about a 10 minute drive we get to the museum.
That is it it was magic.
It looks just like any entrance of the museum, with a big archway that has the name of it jiu-fen Gold museum.
We pay are tickets at the cost for $5 Canadian I think.
It was a long time ago.
And we make our way in. The first thing we see is a tacky cart filled with spray painted gold rocks. I take the obligatory photo because why not and then off we go.
We find a quick map and I realise how big this place is. It is huge there’s 30 buildings by the looks of it.
Time is a wasting so we start walking around from building to building. As we move form one place to another. All I am seeing is gold and silver. And a bunch of historical plaques.
It is an amazing places to take photos eventually we make it to the main building. It is a huge place with some of the the most famous gold pieces. Like brooches, necklaces and earrings but right in the centre of it is a huge gold brick.
Bigger than anything I have ever seen and people are lining up to take photos up with it.
And you better bet your ass that I will be taking a photo next to this mountain of gold.
And that’s exactly what I do, eventually we make it to the head of the line my friends and I start taking photos I want to ask if I could put my dick on it. And I realise that would be very bad.
So I stick my hand in the hole and start rubbing this huge gold brick. Worth millions and millions of dollars. I can’t take my eyes off this thing, it’s huge.
If you dropped it on me I would die guaranteed.
And that is it after taking photos we are told to go.
After that we learn how they make the gold bars and how they found the gold. And then another fun part we get to go in to the old shaft in to the actual Goldmine. we put on some special boots and start to make are way.
A stern old woman tells us that we need to follow all the rules.
1#do not touch anything.
2#be careful it’s slippery.
3#make sure you’re safe.
we get are little booties and hard hat on.
GESS WHAT photo time,
why not.
We walk to the Goldmine after walking in to the shaft lol shaft.
We realised how dangerous it is. It kind of takes me back realising that people died here, people who had hopes and dreams and just want to help they’re family.
It’s interesting how you can become so sad after you of people of giving up everything. just for us to have some stupid shiny shit.
After all that we go to a cafe and chat about what we learn then after
I see a little sign it says pan for gold,
I realise that’s on my bucket list so I excitedly shake my friend asking if we can go like a 5 year old asking for candy.
eventually she agree so we go Get the tickets $20 that is not bad because we get to keep the gold. If we find any.
But this story is for another post.
needless to say its fun cheesy and the exact thing that the tourist would do.
When we leave the place where we paned for gold.
By this time the sun is getting low. off back Home.
I think about how much richer I am. In knowledge not In cash what’s my little tiny bottle of gold and all my memories with my friends what a wonderful time.
Remember not all things that are shiny or important most memorable thing that I did wasn’t touching that huge brick of gold but spending my time with my friends. remember to follow your dreams ,crossings off your bucket list. enjoy your friend
I Love you all and see you in the next post.
Love Dane