Japan, Gastronomy
16.✓Tokyo–Have a drink at high five bar.
By Dane Garner and Edited by Rachel
Why is this on my list.

Bar high-five is famous for its ice diamonds. And there mix drinks that have been called perfection in a glass. The reason it is on my bucket list is to be the best you got to know the best. bar high-five is one of the best bars in the world.

The story.

Tokyo… It’s one of those places where you can spend your whole life living there and you never understand it. Japan is the perfect amalgam of all the new crazy technology that has come out and the old way of doing things that has been pass down for 1000 years as you travel through these streets you find things that you would never see anywhere else. like a bar where the drinks are made to precisionist and beauty, it might bring a tear to your eyes. 

 I and a small group of buds from Canada are a wander aimlessly through the hart of tokeyo. We are looking for a bar !!! not just any normal bar. We’re not looking for a happy hour to get drunk and party.  It is a special bar. It is called bar hight five. I am telling them why it is so special, about the huge whisky collection and how they are the ones who made the whisky ice ball famous. I tell them how it’s famous for its amazing cocktails and ambulance. The bar that’s so classy Don Draper meets Hugh Hafner that is how classy it is.

But we’re lost, like always. It tends to happen to me quite a bit . But that is ok. As we are walking around the wonderful and wakey city that is called Tokyo. We get a first-hand look at what it is like to live in Tokyo. Walking through sidestreets getting small glimpses of life in Japan as a real person. An old woman reading a magazine in a park, A another group of kids playing in the park. it’s also beautiful. That is one of the reasons I travel. And then we turn the corner and we hit the financial district.

All that beautiful shit flies out the window. People in Lamborghini’s. The buildings Are shiny and tall. All looking down on us and daring us to become better. I am looking around looking for the bar, but I can’t find it when I ask a nice woman in a suit. She says that we went the wrong way. I laugh at myself everybody looks at me like I’m an idiot. I understand the feeling. Once we go the right way everything makes sense and after 5 mins we make it to a big wooden door.

A man in a suit comes up to us. He is an imposing musculler white man. I say hello and ask him why he is here in Tokyo. He answers with the southern drawl, I laugh  and chat with himI I ask if there a place for us and he smils and lifts up the the silk currten.It looks like we just walked Don Drappers mind. There are over 1000 bottles of whiskey. 4 people working at the bar. and it’s just us. They sit us at a beautiful old redwood table.


The Genteman looks at us and smiles, he doesn’t ask us what we want?  He chats ask us about are  day and what foods we like. then he leaves and 10 minutes later he comes back with four beautiful drinks. I already knew what I was gonna get. an old fashion. To say it was will made would be a understatmen the ice alon was so clear i was about to read the paper under my drink. and the mix of japanes whisy and home made bitter is amazing. GOD , I want to live in this bar.

After a few mins of just looking at the dink my buds think I am crazy. “You know you drink it dane” LOL, Right I take a sip and there is a small part of me that is sent to heven. But all to soon I come down to earth. The gentleman comes back and asks how are drinks. I’m almost in tears. I told him that it’s amazing, it’s liquid gold he smiles and tells me the history of the Drink and what they do to each drink to make it right for each person. The people here know what they are doing .

I say thank you he leaves. There’s an incredibly impressed of no rush to drink you’re drink here also.Eventually he comes back smiles  and ask us if we want another drink? We say no because we’re trying to save money.

Thank god I sayed that, because after we got the bill it turns out that 1 drink my cost us a new mortgage. my drink alone cost 45 American dollars!!! But it was worth it. So worth it. I am happy i crossed it off, I always think, if you’re gonna do something you mines as well do it right. and they do it right at bar high five.

Info .

Once you get there take your time there is no rush enjoy and let go of time. but bring your bank card it will cost you a arm and lag but it is worth it .

Japan, 〒104-0061 Tokyo, Chūō, Ginza, 5 Chome−4−15 Ginza5 Bldg, B1F, Efflore
Phone:+81 3-3571-5815
Cost 50-100$
Photo Essay.
Passed posts.

Hello, my name is Dane welcome To my bucket list. If you had absolute freedom what would you do? on
Hello, my name is Dane welcome To my bucket list. If you had absolute freedom what would you do? on
Hello, my name is Dane welcome To my bucket list. If you had absolute freedom what would you do? on

Hello what is on your bucket list?
My name is Dane, I’ve been travelling the world for roughly 7 years now, learning to cook delicious food and crossing things off my bucket list. But my all-time favorite thing to do is to volunteer and help people. Follow me on my journey around the world crossing off my bucket list and Helping People along the way.😊❤😜 
If you want to see another awesome blog my fiancé does a blog called Nomads notebooks she’s an awesome and better writer than I will ever be. She’s also a really cool person. I would love for you to give her like a subscribe and read her writings thank you so much for supporting someone I love 
I love you all.