146. ✓China–Go to 798- art district.

travel, China 146. ✓China–Go to 798- art district. By Dane Garner and Edited by Rachel Intro Why is this on my list. 146. ✓China–Go to 798- art district. The reason that this was on my bucket list is it’s full of contradictions you wouldn’t think that a place like Beijing has a lot of graffiti […]
28.✓Get a meaningful tattoo.

LIfe, china 28.✓Get a meaningful tattoo. By Dane Garner and Edited by Rachel Intro Why is this on my list. 28.✓Get a meaningful tattoo. I have always been a lover of art and that transitions to my body quite easily. I think I will eventually be one of those people who has 40 tattoos on […]
152.✓China–See the Forbidden City.

a city lock to the public and now free for you to see
144.✓China–Go through the hutongs in Beijing.

travel, China 144.✓China–Go through the hutongs in Beijing. By Dane Garner and Edited by Rachel Intro Why is this on my list. 144.✓China–Go through the hutongs in Beijing. There’s very few times we can literally walk through history. one of the times that I experienced walking in to a different time was walking through the […]
154.✓China–See the Shanghai skyline.
travel, China 154.✓China–See the Shanghai skyline. By Dane Garner and Edited by Rachel Intro Why is this on my list. 154.✓China–See the Shanghai skyline. One of the reasons that this is on my bucket list is because I love skylines and I hope to see all of the famous ones – France, Rome, Las Vegas… […]
86.✓Teach English in a Foreign Country.

86.✓Teach English in a Foreign Country.
153.✓China–See the Terracotta Warriors.

Travel, China 153.✓China–See the Terracotta Warriors. By Dane Garner and Edited by Rachel Intro Why is this on my list. 153.✓China–See the Terracotta Warriors. The reason I wanted to go to the Terracotta Warriors is just simply because the historical and cultural significance. The story. Man, I was looking at the photos of me and […]
274.✓Eat a scorpion.
Gastronomy 274.✓Eat a scorpion. I am still looking for the photos if I can not find them I will re cross it off. By Dane Garner and Edited by Rachel Intro Why is this on my list. The reason that this is on my bucket list is simply, because it’s an adventurous food what is […]
230.✓China–Peking duck.

Gastronomy, China 230.China–Peking duck.✓ By Dane Garner and Edited by Rachel Intro Why is this on my list. Beijing duck is such an old recipe, I found out that the restaurant I went to was a sister of a restaurant that’s older than Canada. Think about that! I cannot describe how interesting that is, Peking […]
252.✓Eat Chinese food in China.

Gastronomy, China 252.✓Eat Chinese food in China. By Dane Garner and Edited by Rachel Intro Why is this on my list. 252.✓Eat Chinese food in China. If you look closely at any dish whether it is in Canada, China, Britain or really anywhere. You can find a story and for me. And for me that I […]