United Kingdom, Travel
606.✓United Kingdom–Go to Lullaby Factory.
By Dane Garner January 2019
Edited by my loving girlfriend Rachel

An art piece  devoted to sick children in the hospital is a beautiful. I’ve always want to see something like that, that’s why I popped it on my bucket list. just so I can see such a beautiful thing. In some of the darkest places you can find Oh so much beauty.

The story.


It’s funny sometimes when I have some on my bucket list I don’t necessarily do a lot of research ( This looks nice Cut to 3 years late and find out it is 3 days by yak.

This is an example of that white didn’t do much research and I just put it on my bucket list.

BUT some times  I think my bucket list has a mind of her own, she takes me to places that I don’t necessarily know I want to go to but in the end it’s important and something that has change my opinion and even sometimes my life.

I think this is one of those points the lullaby factory is a beautiful art installation where it rains the rain goes through these pipes and machines to create beautiful music when I first heard about it I thought it would help your foot is that an art piece to make rain musical. Little did I know it’s all attached to the inside walls of a children’s Hospital. How cool of a story is that beautiful musical art piece that brings joy to people in a children’s Hospital.

That’s what I’m saying it’s just so beautiful and interesting, The idea of a mother and a son going out to get some fresh air before an operation and  realising that it’s raining but then they start to hear beautiful music. it’s beautiful trying to pick the beauty from the sad.

Sadly it’s been closed down for a couple years so the only way I could see it through a glass window of the dining area was a few pipes. which makes me quite sad. The idea of art being closed it’s always sad thought but it’s still a beautiful idea and I’m happy I can actually check it out.

But there isn’t really much of a story to it I went to dining room try to get in and it wouldn’t let me  in. I had a sad face and everybody looked at me like as confused mainly because I was just there to see it was still a  beautiful experience and to spend it with Rachel.

I am quite happy to cross this one I don’t necessarily know if you should go. but it still is a wonderful experience.

I love you all and I hope you get a chance to see weird and wonderful places

Photo Essay.
About the author .
Hello what is on your bucket list?
My name is Dane, I’ve been travelling the world for roughly 7 years now, learning to cook delicious food and crossing things off my bucket list. But my all-time favorite thing to do is to volunteer and help people. Follow me on my journey around the world crossing off my bucket list and Helping People along the way.😊❤😜
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