13.✓Australia–Go up the Giant Stairway.

travel 13.✓Australia–Go up the Giant Stairway. By Dane Garner and Edited by Rachel Intro Why is this on my list. 13.✓Australia–Go up the Giant Stairway. The reason this is on my bucket list is because it’s probably one of the most famous and prettiest hikes in Australia. The story. Damn its hot, why is Australia […]
33.✓Australia–Stand on Wedding Cake Rock.

travel 167.✓France–Harry’s New York Bar. By Dane Garner and Edited by Rachel Intro Why is this on my list. 33.✓Australia–Stand on Wedding Cake Rock. Geological formations are always interesting, you can even say I get hard for geological formations. See what I did there… The reason this is on my bucket list is it’s a […]
358.✓Taiwan–Go to Kenting national park.

travel, Taiwan 358.✓Taiwan–Go to Kenting national park. By Dane Garner and Edited by Rachel Intro Why is this on my list. 358.✓Taiwan–Go to Kenting national park. the reason this is on my bucket list is that I love hikes and huge packs and this place has them in spades. The story. Another day another country […]