308.✓Mexico-cafe de tacuba.

Gastronomy, Mexico 308.✓Mexico-cafe de tacuba. By Dane Garner and Edited by Rachel Intro/Info COST- TIME – CONTRY- CLOSES STATION – Why is this on my list. The reason this is on my bucket list is ———-   The story. S Photo Essay. Passed post . why not follow me? Facebook-f Twitter Youtube Instagram Make your […]

383.✓Mexico–Have a coffee Cafebreria El Pendulo.

gastronomy, Mexico 383.✓Mexico–Have a coffee Cafebreria El Pendulo. By Dane Garner and Edited by Rachel Intro/Info COST- TIME – CONTRY- CLOSES STATION – Why is this on my list. The reason this is on my bucket list is ———- The story. S Photo Essay. why not follow me? Facebook-f Twitter Youtube Instagram Make your own […]

172.Japan–Go to a maid cafe.

travel, Japan 172.Japan–Go to a maid cafe. By Dane Garner and Edited by Rachel Intro Why is this on my list. 172.Japan–Go to a maid cafe. Would you go to England with out drinking at a small town pub? NO!!!! Or Canada with out  going to a pancake house, lol God NO!!!! So for me […]